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Who's T-Shirt is this?

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  1. .Organization moment

– Good morning, my dear boys and girls. I’m very glad to see all of you.

And look at me I'm fine today, because I'm so beautiful I have new clothes. We talk about clothes today and learn new words.

  1. Phonetic drill

For our phonetic drill we’ll read a rhyme about clothes with the sounds [s], [z].

Listen to the tape. Pay attention to the intonation, sounds [s], [z]. Look at the screen, read the rhyme.

  1. Preparing for the lesson.

              Children, today we will do a lot of work. The theme of our lesson is «Clothes».

  1. Explanation of the lesson.

A) Presentation        

-direct method:

a) realia:work with pictures: to show the pictures of clothes and name them:

  This work is done P1,P2, P3, P4, with way  "Snowball", e.g  (showing a picture of skirt)

P1: It's a skirt.

P2: It's a blue skirt.

P3: It's a nice, blue skirt.

P4: It's a long, nice, new skirt.

P5: Boys don't wear skirts.

P6: I don't like wearing long skirts etc.



c) contrast: fill the table


Summer clothes

Winter clothes

A dress

A sweater

A skirt

An anorak

A shirt

A pullover

A blouse

A coat

A t- shirt

A jumper


d) enumeration: And now children what kind of clothes  do you know? Let’s enumerate them: sportswear, footwear, underwear,headgear.

-translation method

Translate the words and fill the second column:




 блузка, кофточка


 брюки, штаны

   trousers;  pants,                 

 галстук; галстук-    бабочка


  джемпер,     толстовка















    T- shirt


   T-shirt/tee-shirt; vest

ночная сорочка









V.  Retention

Preparation exercises


1)differentiation exercises:

- Now I’ll give you text about apparition of clothes, as jeans. Your task is to guess about this clothes!

Teacher: It's a tradition from the “Wild West” to wear cowboy clothes. The "Wild West" clothes were very important in those days. Cowboys spent much time outdoors, in the fields, in the forests. They usually put hats on their heads, high boots on their feet and trousers made from strong clothing. The man called Levy Straus made these trousers first in the city of San Francisco. This piece of clothing of blue color is very popular with young and old people, men and women now. Did you guess what trousers they are?

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Who's T-Shirt is this?»

  • To teach the names of clothes

  • To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. To enrich their vocabulary

  • to practice reading and listening for the main idea;

  • to remember the words;

  • to speak about the clothes;

Getting new information

I.Organization moment

– Good morning, my dear boys and girls. I’m very glad to see all of you.

And look at me I'm fine today, because I'm so beautiful I have new clothes. We talk about clothes today and learn new words.

II. Phonetic drill

For our phonetic drill we’ll read a rhyme about clothes with the sounds [s], [z].

Listen to the tape. Pay attention to the intonation, sounds [s], [z]. Look at the screen, read the rhyme.

  1. Preparing for the lesson.

Children, today we will do a lot of work. The theme of our lesson is «Clothes».

  1. Explanation of the lesson.

A) Presentation

-direct method:

a) realia:work with pictures: to show the pictures of clothes and name them:

This work is done P1,P2, P3, P4, with way "Snowball", e.g (showing a picture of skirt)

P1: It's a skirt.

P2: It's a blue skirt.

P3: It's a nice, blue skirt.

P4: It's a long, nice, new skirt.

P5: Boys don't wear skirts.

P6: I don't like wearing long skirts etc.

c) contrast: fill the table

Summer clothes

Winter clothes

A dress

A sweater

A skirt

An anorak

A shirt

A pullover

A blouse

A coat

A t- shirt

A jumper

d) enumeration: And now children what kind of clothes do you know? Let’s enumerate them: sportswear, footwear, underwear ,headgear.

-translation method

Translate the words and fill the second column:



блузка, кофточка


брюки, штаны

trousers; pants,

галстук; галстук- бабочка


джемпер, толстовка















T- shirt


T-shirt/tee-shirt; vest

ночная сорочка








V. Retention

Preparation exercises

1)differentiation exercises:

- Now I’ll give you text about apparition of clothes, as jeans. Your task is to guess about this clothes!

Teacher: It's a tradition from the “Wild West” to wear cowboy clothes. The "Wild West" clothes were very important in those days. Cowboys spent much time outdoors, in the fields, in the forests. They usually put hats on their heads, high boots on their feet and trousers made from strong clothing. The man called Levy Straus made these trousers first in the city of San Francisco. This piece of clothing of blue color is very popular with young and old people, men and women now. Did you guess what trousers they are?

    • I’ll name the clothes and you must show it on the picture!

      A sweater, a hat , a cap, trainers, nightdress, a t-shirt/tee-shirt;

      at- shirt

    • Insert the missing letters:

Look at the white board. These are the names of the clothes. Write the missing letters and read the word.

Tr _ _ ners, tr _ _ sers, sk _ _ t, s _ _ es, sh _ _ ts, gl _ _ses, ja _ _ et

You know how to write the words on the theme « Clothes ». You work well.

2) Imitation exercises:

I’ll read the words and you’ll repeat after me:

A sweater, a hat , a cap, trainers, nightdress, a t-shirt/tee-shirt;

at- shirt

3) Word formation:

- make up 6 sentences using new vocabulary

- write an appropriate word under each picture.

Speech exercises.

Let us do some exercises for our health.

What do you wear when it’s cold?

A sweater.

What do you wear when it’s cold?

A jacket.

A sweater and a jacket
A sweater and a jacket 2 times

What do you wear when it’s warm?


Teacher: What clothes do you wear when it's cold?

Pupils: We wear overcoats when it's cold. We wear jackets when it's cold. We wear warm caps when it's cold etc.

Teacher: What clothes do you wear in winter?

Pupils: We wear winter coats. We put mittens on our hands in winter. We put high boots or valenkies on our feet in winter.etc.

Teacher: What clothes do you prefer to wear in summer when it's very hot ?

Pupils: We wear shorts, T- shirts and sandals when it's very hot. etc.

VI. Conclusion.

I hope you’ve got some useful information from our lesson.When you go home you’ll write a short composition “My favorite clothes”. And now some words about your marks…

VII .Home task

To learn new words by heart

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Who's T-Shirt is this?

Автор: Урустимова Айгерим Мухамеджановна

Дата: 28.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 284215

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