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Задания для обсуждения проблемы: «ХОЧЕШЬ ИМЕТЬ ДРУГА - БУДЬ ИМ!»

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Данный материал предназначен доя обучающихся 7-го класса при прохождени темы   "ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR FRIENDS"/ Направлен на формирование нравственных качеств обучающихся;  способствует развитию навыков монологического высказывания, аудирования. Знакомит с английскими пословицами о дружбе, способствует развитию языковой догадке,  учащимся предлагается высказать свою точку зрения,  используя  опорные слова. 

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«Задания для обсуждения проблемы: «ХОЧЕШЬ ИМЕТЬ ДРУГА - БУДЬ ИМ!» »



  1. Новые слова (даются с транскрипцией):

to respect— уважать,

to trust — доверять,

to criticize — критиковать.

II. Сообщение учителя:
"Boys and. girls!

I think that everybody here in this group has a good friend. Friendship between two people grows when they do something useful together and when they have the same in­terests. Their friendship is still better if they understand each other well. Do you remember the English proverb "A friend in need is. a friend indeed"* which you discussed last year? We agreed that you cannot live without friends, that real1 friends are always ready to help each other. I also believe that real friendship is possible only when people respect and trust each other.

So you can see that friendship between two people is a very great thing. As English people say, "A good friend is as the sun in -winter." A good proverb, isn't it? I am sure that a real friend makes your life happier and more interesting. He is dear to you and you want your friendship to last for a very long time.

Well, I haven't told you all English proverbs about friends and friendship which I know. Take, for example, this one: "A friend is easier7 lost than found." What does it mean? It means that it is difficult to find a good friend. You may lose a friend quickly if you do something wrong. Always think how to keep friendship. And there is another thing which is no less important. I must tell you, boys and girls, that if you want to have a friend, you have to be good frierids yourselves. The pupils' collective is strong when its members are good comrades and friends. The slogan of the Collective is: one for all and all for one. Collective activity among the pupils means that everybody has a duty. You should never do anything which is against your collective. Such friendship means that you will criticize your friend if he is wrong and always try to help him if-it is necessary."*

III.Вопросы учащимся:

  1. When does friendship grow between two people?

  2. When is real friendship possible? What is real friendship in your opinion?

  3. What does the proverb "A friend is easier lost than found" mean? '

  4. What will you do if your friend does something wrong?

  5. When is the pupils* collective strong? Is your class collective strong?

  6. Has everybody a duty in your class?

  7. Does school teach you how to be a good friend? '

  8. Have you a real friend?

  9. Who is your best friend?

  1. What do you do together?

  2. Do you like to read books about friend­ship?

  3. Does your friend like to read such books?

  4. What books about friendship have you read?

  5. Did you like them? Why?

IV. Задания для проведения беседы:

  1. An English proverb says: "A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody." Some people think that they have a lot of friends, but they may not have a friend who is always ready to help.

  2. What can you do for your friend?

Опоры выполнения: help him with his mathe­matics or in other subjects; bring him his homework (a library book) when he cannot come to school; help him with his work on something; help him with his problems; do difficult work in his garden (about the house); anything he asks me to do, if I can do-it,

  1. One of your classmates said, "That's not very friendly of you”

Discuss what you may think about the boy (girl) to whom this was said. Опоры выполнения:

was not always friendly towards other classmates; sometimes wasn't ready to help other pupils; thought about himself (herself) a little more than about other people; said something wrong about a pupil because he (she) didn't know the real situation.

  1. You came to your friend's place and asked him, "Can you come out with me for a walk?"
    "I must finish this work first," answered your friend.

Discuss which is more important for your friend — to do what he must do or what he likes to do with his friends. Опоры выполнения:

does first what he has to do; does not forget his duties; understands what has to be done.

Задание II.

Учащимся предлагается текст для ауди­рования. Вначале учитель делает неболь­шое сообщение:

"Now you will hear (read) a story about a friendship which did not last long. Let us listen to what Raya, a seventh-form pupil, has to say in a letter to her favourite writer.2 Then there will be a discussion in which, I hope, everybody will take an active part. Here is Raya's letter". I am very, very sad today. You see, two or three months ago I was introduced to Nina from a parallel form. We became friends very quickly. We went together to the skating-rink and to the library. Sometimes Nina came to my place to do homework. And she was so beautiful, so clever. I thought she was ready to do anything for our friendship. I didn't go to her place, and I cannot explain why. Perhaps because she did not ask me to visit her or because I had no time. Yesterday Nina did not come to school, so I decided to visit her after the sixth lesson. Well, when I entered Nina's flat, I saw that she was not ill. She was having dinner. She did not ask me to take off my coat or to join her at the dinner table. After dinner Nina began to tell me about many expensive things bought by her parents.

Here, at home, she was very different from what she was at school, and I did not want to stay at her place a ay more.

When I was leaving, Nina said, "Don't say: anything at school, please. And come again

when you have time, we'll listen to some music."

Well, 'I have lost a friend and I am not very sorry. But how can I trust people who may have two faces like Nina has? As a member of the school literature circle she spoke about high moral principles and what is right and wrong. But at home she spoke proudly about what her father could buy with his money. I am very sad today.

Предлагаются вопросы по тексту, цель которых подвести, ребят к пониманию та-
ких истин:

Человек может иметь истинные и мнимые достоинства;

O человеке судят не по словам, а по его де­лам и поступкам;

разочаровавшись в друге, нельзя утрачи­вать веру в людей.

  1. For a long time Raya only heard Nina's words. She did not see what Nina did in
    different situations.

Is this the explanation of why Raya did not know her friend well?

  1. Why wasn't Raya very sorry when she lost-her friend?

  2. Do you think she was right?

  3. What must we do not to make mistakes in choosing friends?

  4. Do you think it's always right to part from your friend if you learn something unpleasant about him or her?

  5. Is it possible not to trust people if you've made a mistake in choosing your

VII. Задания и вопросы для организации беседы:

  1. Have you a friend whom you never want to lose? Explain why he (she) is so dear
    to you.

Опоры выполнения: like to work and play together; like to talk and go out together; is helpful; understand each other; has respect for me (respects my opinion); trust each other; go in for sports together.

2. When your friend left for another town with his parents he said, "There's no knowing
when we shall meet again."

Has he been a good friend to you? Why did he think about meeting you again?

Опоры выполнения: we were great friends; we liked each other a lot and met often.

  1. An English proverb says: "A man is known by his friends".

If people know your friends, they can say what you are like because friends like to do the same things.

What do you and your friend do together? Опоры выполнения: work in the school gar­den; take part in social work; do homework; discuss books (films, plays.);, help the fa-

milies of war veterans.

4. During a discussion about friendship a girl said, "Her friendship means a lot to me."

Ask each other what the girl wanted to say about her friend.

Опоры выполнения: she was an old friend of hers; they had been friends for a long time; she was older and knew many important things; she could advise her younger friend on what to do; she helped her to decide correctly in difficult situations.

5. Your friend said in a conversation with you, "I'm prepared to help you if you want me to."

Speak about the way your friend could help you.

Опоры выполнения: help me do my home­work; with my work in the garden; get an interesting book; draw a placard.

6. Ask your deskmate what he understands by active friendship.

Опоры выполнения:

a) can help in everything; can help with what I know and can do well;

b) active friendship is shown by doing something for your friend (s); not in words alone.



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Задания для обсуждения проблемы: «ХОЧЕШЬ ИМЕТЬ ДРУГА - БУДЬ ИМ!»

Автор: Хаустова Ирина Антанасовна

Дата: 14.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 130787

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