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Задания к тексту "The great shooting day" составленные с использованием таксономии Блума

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вопросы составленные с использованием таксономии Блума способствуют развитию критического мышления,навыков диалогической речи и повышению мотивации учащихся.

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Theme of lesson:  The  Great Shooting Day.

Aims:. Developing reading skills. Giving controlled practice of a language point. Developing speaking skills.

Skills to be emphasized:

  • To ensure revision, consolidation, improvement practical knowledge
  • To develop skills of practical using the words on the topic.
  • To develop skills in reading and dialogue speech use questions built according to Blum’s Taxonomy.

Kind of lesson: organization and realization of a study process                                                                                   Methods:  knowledge acquisition                                                                                                                           Materials: a student`s book “English” (O.V. Afanasyeva,I.V.Mikheeva, a copybook.                                                      Proceeding:                                                                                                                                                      Warming upLook at the blackboard, think of our lesson and complete the following sentences:                                 I want to learn…                                                                                                                                                       I want to know ….                                                                                                                                                  I want to speak about…                                                                                                                                    Activity 1.Presentation. Listening and reading-                  SB Ex.45p.238                                                               Activity 2. Practice.Speaking- Answer my questions (Blum’s Taxonomy)                                                                 1.Could you name the main characters of the text?(knowledge)                                                                              2.Could you describe Mr.Hazell and Danny’s father?(comprehension)                                                                          3.Why does the author compare Mr.Hazell’s property with an ocean?Why does the author compare Danny’s father ‘s property with an island?Why couldn’t Danny’s father forget how Mr.Hazell had spoken to his boy a year before? Why did Danny’s father get angry with Mr.Hazell? Why did Mr.Hazell give shooting parties?Why did dukes,lords,barons and baronets come to his parties? Why did Mr.Hazell pay a lot of money to make his parties a success? Why was Danny’s father sure that getting the pheasants from the forest was a good idea (comprehension)                                                4.Would you like to fill in the table describing the difference between Mr.Hazell and Danny’s father? (application) 5.Using the table would you tell me the difference between Mr.Hazell and Danny’s father? (analysis)  6.Why did Danny and his father dislike Mr.Hazell?(synthesis)                                                                      Activity 4.Group work. some proverbs say:Rather have  100 friends than 100 roubles. You can have no more of a cat but her skin. Could you explain this proverbs? Which of these proverbs will you choose to describe Mr.Hazell and his way of living and why?(evaluation)                                                                                                                         Reflection.

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«задания к тексту "The great shooting day" составленные с использованием таксономии Блума»

Разработка урока в 7 классе

Theme of lesson: The Great Shooting Day.

Aims: . Developing reading skills. Giving controlled practice of a language point. Developing speaking skills.

Skills to be emphasized:

  • To ensure revision, consolidation, improvement practical knowledge

  • To develop skills of practical using the words on the topic.

  • To develop skills in reading and dialogue speech use questions built according to Blum’s Taxonomy.

Kind of lesson: organization and realization of a study process Methods: knowledge acquisition Materials: a student`s book “English” (O.V. Afanasyeva,I.V.Mikheeva, a copy-book. Proceeding: Warming up. Look at the blackboard , think of our lesson and complete the following sentences: I want to learn… I want to know …. I want to speak about… Activity 1.Presentation. Listening and reading- SB Ex.45p.238 Activity 2. Practice .Speaking- Answer my questions (Blum’s Taxonomy)1.Could you name the main characters of the text?(knowledge) 2.Could you describe Mr.Hazell and Danny’s father?(comprehension) 3.Why does the author compare Mr.Hazell’s property with an ocean?Why does the author compare Danny’s father ‘s property with an island?Why couldn’t Danny’s father forget how Mr.Hazell had spoken to his boy a year before? Why did Danny’s father get angry with Mr.Hazell? Why did Mr.Hazell give shooting parties?Why did dukes,lords,barons and baronets come to his parties? Why did Mr.Hazell pay a lot of money to make his parties a success? Why was Danny’s father sure that getting the pheasants from the forest was a good idea? (comprehension) 4.Would you like to fill in the table describing the difference between Mr.Hazell and Danny’s father? (application) 5.Using the table would you tell me the difference between Mr.Hazell and Danny’s father? (analysis) 6.Why did Danny and his father dislike Mr.Hazell?(synthesis) Activity 4.Group work. some proverbs say:Rather have 100 friends than 100 roubles. You can have no more of a cat but her skin. Could you explain this proverbs? Which of these proverbs will you choose to describe Mr.Hazell and his way of living and why?(evaluation) Reflection.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

задания к тексту "The great shooting day" составленные с использованием таксономии Блума

Автор: Рудская Лилия Николаевна

Дата: 26.04.2016

Номер свидетельства: 322870

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