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«Жа?а?ала колледжі А?ылшын тілі п?ніні? о?ытушысы Рахимова Райса Бекболатвна Саба?ты? та?ыры Money. »
Жаңақала колледжі
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің оқытушысы Рахимова Райса Бекболатвна
Сабақтың тақыры Money.
Сабақтың мақсаты:
а) Ағылшын тілін үйренуге, мамандықтарына оқушылардың қызығушылығын ояту, оқу , аудару , сөйлеу дағдыларын қалыптастыру.
ә) “Ақша” тақырыбы бойынша оқушылардың лексикалық қорын толықтыру, доллардың тарихымен таныстыру.
б) Топпен жұмыс жасауға және , ақшаның маңызын мақал –мәтелдер арқылы түсіндіру.
І. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі.
ІІ. Ой қозғау
Тіл жаттықтыру.
ІІІ. Мағынаны тану ( Мәтінмен жұмыс )
Жаңа сөздермен танысу.
Топпен жұмыс
Жаттығулар орындау
Кім жылдам ? Мағынасын тап
IV .Ой толғаныс
Эссе жазу Бес жолды өлең
V Қорытындылау
Бағалау Үй тапсырмасы.
Teacher: I’m sure that you know this song. Do you like it? I think, it’s the eternal problem: money, or, to be exact, the shortage of money.
If only we had enough money! Today we’re going to speak about money again. But not about our “wooden” roubles, but about dollars and pounds. Everything in the world has its history. On your desks you have sheets of paper with the texts from which you may learn much interesting about the history of dollars and pounds. Be sure that you pronounce all the words in a right way. Look through the texts and ask questions to each other .
So, you’ve just learned many facts from the history of the dollar and the pound and can share this information with your friends. But we continue to speak about money. You’ve got some materials with word – combinations. You can see that all of them have the word “money” in them. Try to explain what they mean There is a great number of interesting proverbs and sayings about money. In your cards find the right variants of translating them. May be, you know any other proverbs? In the list there is one saying which became very popular, but I think, that not all of you know the origin of it. Let me tell you.
If the weather isn’t sunny,
ІІ. Ой қозғау
Тіл жаттықтыру.
So you’ve got too little...(money). When you travel England around, Then you need not rouble, but...(pound). If you fly to system solar, You will surely need...(a dollar).
Of course, it’s a joke. This poem is not serious at all. But the topic of our today’s conversation is, on the contrary, rather seri
ІІІ. Мағынаны тану ( Мәтінмен жұмыс )
Жаңа сөздермен танысу.
circulation – қатынас
coin – монета
To coin the money
currency – валюта
issue – шығарылды
Hard money
worth – бағасы
various – әртүрлі
Civilization- даму
exchange- айырбастау
People often use the proverb “Money talks” to say that money is important in every person’s life. And, indeed, with the help of money we can buy all kinds of things, such as food, clothes, accommodation, cars, mobile phones, computers, make-up, medicines, and many other goods that civilization has to offer. Money doesn’t buy happiness but it helps at some extent. In other words, money is a method of exchange, which is presented by coins and notes. Almost every country has their currency nowadays. Most European countries use Euros and Dollars. However, the method of exchange was not always operated by money
. I wish you to be healthy and wealthy!
Топпен жұмыс
Жаттығулар орындау
The dollar.
The dollar is the basic unit of United States money. It is worth 100 cents. The dollar is also the main currency unit of: Australia, Canada, Jamaica, New Zealand, Singapore, Zimbabwe and some other countries. The dollar was adopted in the USA in 1792. The first US dollars were issued in silver and gold. After 1934, however, all gold coins were taken out of circulation. A silver dollar was issued at various times from 1794 until 1935. The dollar was adopted in Canada in 1878. Australia adopted the dollar in 1966, and New Zealand in 1967.
The pound.
The basic unit of money of the United Kingdom is the pound, also called the pound sterling. Today the pound is equal to 100 pence. the British adopted the decimal system in 1971. Things were far more complicated in the past. The pound was subdivided into 20 shillings. The shilling was subdivided into 12 pennies. The guinea was equal to one pound one shilling. It was a gold coin used in fixing prices of valuable goods. There also were crowns, 5 – shilling silver coins; halfcrowns worth 2 shillings and 6 pence; florins, 2 – shilling silver coins; bobs worth 12 pence. a sixpence was a 6 – penny coin and a 3 – penny coin was called a “threepence”. There also were “ha’pennies”, copper coins, worth half a penny, and farthings, or quarter – penny coins.
What is the basic unit of money in the USA?
How much is dollar worth?
Where does the dollar circulate?
When was the dollar adopted in the United States?
Were the first dollars issued in copper?
Do gold coins circulate now?
When was the dollar adopted in Canada?
When did Australia and New Zealand adopt the dollar?
What is the basic unit of money in the UK?
When was the decimal system adopted in Great Britain?
How many shillings were there in the pound before 1971?
Was the guinea equal to one pound sterling?
What was the crown equal to?
Were there any copper coins in circulation?
Кім жылдам ? Мағынасын тап Explain the meaning of the expressions:
Translate into English
Find the right variants:
Money has no smell. Ақшада көз жоқ.
Money is a good servant. Ақша болса – алақанда
сорпа қайнайды.
Money doesn’t grow on trees Ақша кетуге тырысады, Есеп ұстауға тырысады
Money answers all things. Білім алуға жұмсаған акшаң
далаға кетпейді.
Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain
IV .Ой толғаныс
Эссе жазу. Бес жолды өлең
Бірінші жолда- (зат есім)- Мoney
Екінші жолда- (сын есім)- important
Үшінші жолда- (етістік)- help, servant
Төртінші жолда- 4 сөзден тұратын бір сөйлем.
Money doesn’t buy happiness
Бесінші жолда- бір синоним сөз. Valuable document.
V Қорытындылау
Бағалау Үй тап сырмасы
“If I were a millionaire.”.. тақырыбында шығарма жазып келу.
Люди часто используют пословицу "Деньги решают все", чтобы сказать, что деньги важны в жизни каждого человека. И действительно, с помощью денег мы можем купить все что угодно, например, продукты питания, одежду, жилье, автомобили, мобильные телефоны, компьютеры, макияж, лекарства и многие другие товары, которые нам предлагает цивилизация. За деньги не купишь счастье, но они в какой-то степени помогают. Другими словами, деньги это метод обмена, который представлен монетами и банкнотами. В настоящее время почти каждая страна имеет свою валюту. Большинство европейских стран используют евро и доллары. Тем не менее, метод обмена не всегда управлялся деньгами