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«А ты хорошо видишь?»

Do you see well?

(a story for children)

- Hi, I'm Dina! And this is my younger sister Mina.We are going to an amazing vision school.There are a lot of interesting things there!Come with us! In this school, the eyes are treated and taught to look correctly.Do you see well?Let's check it out!And so we went to the diagnostic center.

- Wow!What's it?Mina asked.

-These are smart devices, they can tell everything about our eyes.Do you know how our eye is fixed?Look, our eye is like a ball and it is called an eyeball.In the center of the eye is a colored iris, and in it is the pupil of the eye and in it there is a pupil hole through which light enters the eye.If the light is bright, the pupil becomes small, if it is dark, it will be large.

Behind the pupil there is a lens that looks like a small piece of glass. Behind the lens there is a vitreous body and retina, which transmits all our information to the brain through the optic nerve and we see.And you know that the color of our eyes depends on the iris.For some it is blue, for others it is gray or brown.And the rarest is green. - Wow, just like me, - Mina rejoiced, - green eyes.What color are your eyes?...Great!You have the most beautiful eyes.

- Let's go check your eyes for diagnostics.

"Oh, I'm afraid," Mina shouted.

- Why? After all, it doesn't hurt and it's not scary at all," Dina reassured her sister.

Just at this time, their neighbor,Theodor, will come running to them:

- Hey, disperse the molyavki!I'm in a hurry!Ooi! He hit his head on the door and fell.

"You should wear glasses," Dina said.Theodor immediately replied dissatisfied:

- I don't want to!I won't!

- You have poor eyesight, it can happen to anyone if:watch a lot on your computer, phone or tablet.Your eyes are strained at this moment-you almost don't blink and your vision gets worse.To fix it, the optometrist prescribes treatment and glasses.

Mina: - An optometrist?Who is it?

- This is a doctor who treats the eyes, - Dina explained.

-I also want to become an optometrist!, -Mina proudly continued: Theodor, do you want me to check your eyes?


- Close one eye and tell me what you see.

- I see a chair…

- Oh, but it's a table!You need an ambulance.

- I what?Blind?

- Not yet, you urgently need to be treated.

- Well, it's not for me.I hate injections and pills.

- Silly, come on, I'll show you how to treat in the school of vision.

The three of us went into the doctor's office.Mina took the glasses and got ready to wear them:- Look, I'm a scientist.

-Mina, you can't wear other people's glasses, it's harmful!Even if these glasses are your grandmothers.

- Oh, oh, I don't see very clearly what to do! Looking at her words, Mina felt dizzy.

- Let's go to the doctor!

- Theodor Smit, hello.Well done for coming.Come on, let's look at your eyes," the doctor came up and looked at Theodor’s eyes.You probably go to bed late and don't let the tablet out of your hands…

"It’s all true” replied Theodor with regret.

- It is very important to start treatment early.Guys, do you take care of your eyes?

Remember the rules that must be obviously observed.

Do not watch TV with a close ear, now do not play for a long time, do not read books lying down, go to bed on time.Do not forget these tips, take care of your eyesight.

Dina:-And then the world around you will be bright and beautiful!

Durdona Akhmatova

5th year student of TashPMI,


[email protected]

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Предмет: Биология

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

А ты хорошо видишь?

Автор: Ахматова Дурдона Данияр-кизи

Дата: 17.11.2023

Номер свидетельства: 640004

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