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Permanent magnets. A magnetic field

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Permanet magnets are materials where the magnetic field is generated by the internal structure of the materials itself.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Permanent magnets. A magnetic field»

Unit of a long term plan : Electromagnetism



Teacher's name:

Class: 8

Lesson title:

Permanent Magnets. A magnetic field.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to (link to the Subject programme) - a description of the magnetic properties of the magnetic field and the display of the magnetic field by the lines of force;

Level of thinking skills

- Formation of ideas about magnetic fields and magnetic fields;

- Knowledge of magnetic poles and their interaction;

- determine the direction of the magnetic field lines;

- graphical representation of the magnetic field by lines of force;

- Knowing that the magnetic field lines are linear lines.

Assessment criteria

1. Knows a permanent magnet;

2. Knows the properties of a permanent magnet;

3. Can detect magnetic poles;

4. Permanent magnetic magnetic lines can be colored;

5. Knows what the magnetic field will be;


Students should know: examples of permanent magnets, detection of magnetic poles and power line charts.

Lexicology and terminology characteristic of the discipline:

The main characteristics of the magnetic field:

1) The magnetic field generates magnetized bodies, current conductors and charged moving bodies;

2) the magnetic field lines are closed;

3) The magnetic field of the vortex field (lines of force with a closed field).

Useful words and phrases for communication and writing:

Magnetic phenomena have long been known to people. The word "magnet" literally means "magnesia." Magnesia is a city in northern Turkey.

Values links

This lesson is about academic integrity, responsibility, adherence to the rules of the team and the value of life knowledge.

Cross-curricular links

The explanation of the Earth’s magnetic field is related to geography.

Previous learning

Geography knows the magnetic field of the Earth.

Lesson plan

Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)




Good morning, students!

How are you?


«Part of solar charge»

(Students standing in a circle, еxpress good wishes to each other)

We are the best

We can all

We are smart and brave

We are beautiful

«Candy box»

(Each student receives candy from the mysterious candy boxes, which are divided into groups by the colors of the candy.)

«A quick thought»

(Students are given quick tasks)




Электролит арқылы электр тогы өткенде электродтарда зат бөліну процесі.................деп аталады.

The process of separation of substances in the electrodes during the passage of electric current through the Electrolyte.................call himself.




Қажетті энергияны электролиз көмегімен үнемі жаңартып алып тұратын элемент.............

An element that constantly renews the necessary energy through electrolysis.............




Фарадей заңының өрнегін жаз

Write the expression of Faraday's law.



k-заттың электрохимиялық эквиваленті дегеніміз не?

what is the electrochemical equivalent of k-substance?



Тұздардың, қышқылдардың және сілтілердің ерітінділері, сонымен қоса, металдардың балқымалары........................деп аталады.

Solutions of salts, acids and alkalis, as well as metal alloys........................call himself.



Evaluation criterion


Finding the right

For the correct answer 1 point

For speed 1 point


10-18 мин

18-23 min

23-26 min

26-30 min

«Smart video»

(Permanent Magnets. A magnetic field.)

Bilimland tasks

«Determine the correct answer»

Magnetic field induction

denote the lines passing through the steel powders arranged in a certain order around a permanent magnet

In which direction are the lines of force of the magnetic field induction vector

The value characterizing the action of the magnetic field in the force ratio

Magnetic field lines

called an exceptional medium that acts on another magnet around the magnet

Magnetic field….

from the North pole of the magnet to the South pole

Direction of magnetic field lines.... regulation.

"Right boron"

Evaluation criterion


Finding the right

For the correct answer 1 point

For speed 1 point


Орыс тілі

Қазақ тілі


Permanent magnets

Постоянные магниты

Тұрақты магниттер


A magnetic field

Магнитное поле

Магнит өрісі






Magnetic field lines

Силовые линии магнитного поля

Магнит өрісінің күш сызықтары


Magnetic field induction

Индукция магнитного поля

Магнит өрісінің индукциясы






Secondary coil

На вторичной обмоток

Екінші реттік орама










North pole

Северный полюс

Солтүстік полюс


South pole

Южный полюс

Оңтүстік полюс





«You are the best.» Quizlet.

(The memory test student)

Evaluation criterion


Is the correct translation of words

English 1 point

For speed 1 point


30-35 min

35-37 min

37-40 min


1.Откуда произошло название "Магнит"?

Where did the name "Magnet"come from?

Ответь:Название Земной сопки в Малой Азии под названием "Магнесия"

The name of the earth's hill in Asia Minor called " Magnesia"

2. Постоянные магниты...

Permanent Magnets…

Ответь: тела, длительно сохраняющие магнитные свойства

bodies that retain magnetic properties for a long time

3. How many poles of the magnet?

Сколько полюсов магнита?

Ответь: 2

4.Солтүстік полюс?

Ответь: North

5.Оңтүстік полюс?

Ответь: South

6. Для изучения поля вокруг магнита

To study the field around the magnet

Ответь: Test magnet

7.Magnetic field….

Ответь: называют исключительную среду, которая действует на другой магнит вокруг магнита

called an exceptional medium that acts on another magnet around the magnet

8. Силовые линии магнитного поля

Magnetic field lines

Ответь: обозначают линии, проходящие через стальные порошки, расположенные в определенном порядке вокруг постоянного магнита

denote the lines passing through the steel powders arranged in a certain order around a permanent magnet

9. Индукция магнитного поля

Magnetic field induction

Ответь: Величина, характеризующая действие магнитного поля в силовом отношении

The value characterizing the action of the magnetic field in the force ratio

10. В каком направлении идут линии силы вектора индукции магнитного поля

In which direction are the lines of force of the magnetic field induction vector

Ответь: от Северного полюса магнита к Южному полюсу

from the North pole of the magnet to the South pole

Reflection. «Pyramid»

Homework. «The experience of Oersted and Ampere.»


Analysis-how do you plan to provide more support to students? What tasks do you plan to set for students with high abilities?

Assessment-how do you plan to test the level of learners ' learning?

Compliance with safety and health

Control of the student's work in pairs.

Using the results of independent work.

Compliance with safety rules for pair work. Caution when working with iron powders. Protection against the danger of penetration of iron powders into the eyes.

Lesson reflection

Are lesson goals/learning goals set correctly? Are all the students of school?

Why not deliver?

Was the lesson analyzed correctly?

Retained temporary stages of a lesson?

What were the deviations from the lesson plan, why?

Use this section to Express your opinion about the lesson. Answer the questions to the left about your lesson.

Overall assessment

Two well-done aspects of the lesson (think about both learning and learning)?



What can help to improve the lesson (think about both learning and learning)?



During the lesson I learned about the class or about the achievements / difficulties of individual students, why it is necessary to pay attention to the following classes?

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Предмет: Физика

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Permanent magnets. A magnetic field

Автор: Караджигитова Элмира Джанбурбаевна

Дата: 20.06.2019

Номер свидетельства: 515630

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