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Essay " Teacher of the ХХI century"

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Учитель 21 века. каким он должен быть? Что должно быть в нем такого интересного? Вот об этом я расскажу в своём ЭССЕ

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«Essay " Teacher of the ХХI century"»

Lyubenkova Yelena

Essay "Teacher of the XXI century."

I am a teacher ... What a gamut of feelings is hidden in this phrase: the teacher is an artist who every day has a premiere, without doubles; Teacher - educator, who speaks and shows his behavior and actions, what is good and what is bad, the teacher is the guide, helping his students to reveal the secrets of their science, lead them along.

Being a teacher is not just a hard, routine, daily work. It is primarily the calling of the soul, its condition. After all, in the end, the result of the activity of the teacher is the formed character of his pupil, the ability to live with dignity in society, to be useful to his country. Each of us can be a teacher, but not everyone is allowed to become it in the literal sense of the word. In modern society, the profession of a teacher is considered one of the most sought-after, and at the same time, there is a catastrophic lack of teachers in the country. Why? Probably, having received a pedagogical education, many young people understand that "sowing eternal, good" in fragile children's souls is not their vocation, or they are looking for where better. However, this is the right of every person. I am a teacher, and representatives of our profession tend to see a close and distant perspective. In addition, the teacher, working on the upbringing and education of children, works for the future. And in order to create the future, one must himself be a man of a new formation, a man who sees himself and his profession in tens of years. In my essay I will talk about the teacher of the future.

In my view, a teacher of the 21st century is above all a friend to the children, their assistant, adviser and ally. Not a man who gives ready-made truths, but a seeker, a stranger who is always on the road. This search should be inherent in both a young and experienced teacher. In practice it is often necessary to observe how experienced teachers, having accumulated their own base, stop at what they have achieved, and with disbelief and dislike perceive the new in education. If the teacher wants to be needed in the 21st century, he should not be afraid to change his point of view even after ten years of work. The teacher of the 21st century is certainly a well-rounded and educated person. Its subject, its own area of ​​knowledge for the teacher are leading. Ability to communicate, exchange information - one of the leading abilities of the teacher. In my opinion, the 21st century will be different from other centuries by its informative nature and a multitude of ways of transmitting and receiving information. Therefore, the teacher of the new century should be ready for any communication. The 21st century could not have been imagined without new TSS. And the leading among them will be a computer.

A teacher of the 21st century is a competent person who knows how to work on a computer and has the skills of inputting and outputting information, transferring it to a distance, ready not only for personal communication, but also for communication via the Internet. The computer will in due course enter into each house, will pass in the category of such home appliances, as the TV or a refrigerator. You definitely need to be ready for this. And the desire to master this new type of activity for many teachers should come from them, and not from the direction from above. The passage of computer training courses will become the same routine for teachers of all ages as the passing of refresher courses.

The independent work of each teacher, his desire to master even the simplest programs in the future will become necessary. However, I would like to hope that, no matter how far the process of automation of training has gone, the teacher of the 21st century will not forget about the importance of direct communication with his students. No, even the most perfect technique, can not replace a living interlocutor, express their attitude to the material being studied. You can not agree with those who talk about the possible abolition of our profession in the future. Any technical means of training, even the most modern and promising, is only a faithful assistant for the teacher, an auxiliary tool. A living, emotional teacher's word can not be replaced. It is difficult to imagine how even the most intelligent machine will engage in the spiritual and moral education of students or awaken in them the desire to create themselves. In the age of automation, a person will need the maximum degree of tension of his intellectual forces. The role of the human mind will increase even more. In a number of professions the specialist will be evaluated, first of all, on his intellectual capabilities, thus, there will be competition not of people, but of their intellects. This process began now. To train such strong cadres, a teacher of the 21st century needs to be a top-level specialist in his subject, who has deep knowledge not only within the curriculum, but also abroad, to be ready for any question of students.

The teacher of the 21st century is a creator in the most diverse spheres of pedagogical activity: an experienced technologist, organizer, who is necessarily striving to summarize his work, generalize his experience. I want to believe that soon everyone who wants a teacher will have the opportunity to publish his work, bring them to a wide range of readers and conduct a dialogue with them. The degree of dedication that is inherent in people of our specialty will be deservedly appraised by the society of the future. What are the requirements for a teacher of the 21st century, on what does the success of pedagogical activity depend? The teacher should have these qualities:

* love for children;

* Love of one's professional activity;

* Wide erudition and pedagogical intuition;

* Highly developed intellect;

* A high level of general culture and morality;

* Professional knowledge of upbringing methods;

* Communicative;

* Artistry;

* Cheerful disposition;

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Предмет: Физика

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Essay " Teacher of the ХХI century"

Автор: Lyubenkova Yelena

Дата: 26.11.2019

Номер свидетельства: 528742

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