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Основы термодинамики

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«Основы термодинамики»

  1. Underline the correct phrase. If either is possible, underline them both.

1 Unless it had been I If it hadn't been for my friends, I wouldn't have got the job.

2 You'll be really sorry unless you take I if you don't take the opportunity.

3 Unless we cut I If we don't cut resource use and waste, we face a decline in the quality of our lives.

4 The workers have threatened to go on strike unless they are given I if they're not given a pay rise.

5 Unless we hear from you I If we don't hear from you we'll expect you around 12.30.

6 I must get on with my work - unless you want I if you don't want to help me.

7 The club will have to close unless we can attract I if we can’t attract more members.

8 He wouldn't have failed his exams unless he had I if he hadn't been ill.

9 What will you do unless you go I if you don't go away for the weekend?

  1. Write whether or if/whether in these sentences.

1 It was a good opportunity to ask Charles………… he shared my views.

2 When I saw his face I didn't know…………. to laugh or cry.

3 There is some question as to………. the public should be told about the accident.

4 It was too dark to tell …………..she was awake or asleep.

5 ………….they continue to work for us depends on how much we can pay.

6 She briefly considered………. she should call the police, but then walked away.

7 It remains to be seen…………… he can win in a major competition.

8 She couldn't make up her mind about …………..Jack had stolen the money.

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Предмет: Физика

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Основы термодинамики

Автор: Бокижанов Эрназар Нодирбекович

Дата: 23.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 547777

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