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Интерактивный метод

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       -Dear goust our program!

      -We welcome you today in our party

      -Today is the special day for each of us,

Because we would like to do something unusual and pleasant things for you.And all what we will show you today was prepared with love and from the bottom of our schoolboys heart.Hope you will enjoy it.

-So…., Ladies and Gentleman !Welcome, to our hapiy Engilish music program. This day we will be singing the popular songs, dancing, joking and showing the performance and  of course having a lot of fun

-And you,…. just keep watching for each of us and please don’t be so stingy with  your applause (clapping).Because we need your support and understanding so much, with your Love! Thank you.

-Let’s get start it

-(по сцене пробижала кошка)

1)   Hey, have you seen it, what was thet?

      (ведуши берот  кошку на руки и говарит )

      Oh look this is cat its name is Tiggy

      Hey, Tiggy are you lost? Where is your host (family)?

      Probablay they are looking for you,Iwill take you if you don’t mind, ok

      So, this is our frist performance. It is storiy about a little missing cat called Tiggiy.

  1. Our next presentation, its dance in Latin style.
  1. The third our presentation  its game bifferent, interesting, and fuuny games.
  1. Aren’t you bored yet? If you are, the next our performance will help you not to fall asleep.(на сцену вибигайт кошка ведуши смотрит на кошку и говарит ей )

            Oh, no, it’s not about you Tiggiy, your time is up, you shuld go home everiybody are stil looking for you. Hey, do you knov that they have a surpirise for you ye-ye of cours for eat; it is the big tasty  baseball bat. Yee go –go.(c ехидным вираженим литса проважайет кошку)

Of cours I’m kidding,I’m avery kindly person in the world and I like animals. So next presentation is the lyric poem.It is about ………. Perfomed by …….

  1. And now we are going to warm up our party and take a danking

     The Next performance is the Break Dancing, performed by…….


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«Интерактивный метод»




-Dear goust our program!

-We welcome you today in our party

-Today is the special day for each of us,

Because we would like to do something unusual and pleasant things for you.And all what we will show you today was prepared with love and from the bottom of our schoolboys heart .Hope you will enjoy it.

-So…., Ladies and Gentleman !Welcome, to our hapiy Engilish music program. This day we will be singing the popular songs, dancing, joking and showing the performance and of course having a lot of fun

-And you,….. just keep watching for each of us and please don’t be so stingy with your applause (clapping) .Because we need your support and understanding so much, with your Love! Thank you.

-Let’s get start it

-(по сцене пробижала кошка)

1) Hey, have you seen it, what was thet?

(ведуши берот кошку на руки и говарит )

Oh look this is cat its name is Tiggy

Hey, Tiggy are you lost? Where is your host (family)?

Probablay they are looking for you ,Iwill take you if you don’t mind, ok

So, this is our frist performance. It is storiy about a little missing cat called Tiggiy.

  1. Our next presentation, its dance in Latin style.

  1. The third our presentation its game bifferent, interesting , and fuuny games.

  1. Aren’t you bored yet? If you are , the next our performance will help you not to fall asleep.(на сцену вибигайт кошка ведуши смотрит на кошку и говарит ей )

Oh , no, it’s not about you Tiggiy , your time is up, you shuld go home everiybody are stil looking for you. Hey, do you knov that they have a surpirise for you ye-ye of cours for eat; it is the big tasty baseball bat. Yee go –go .(c ехидным вираженим литса проважайет кошку)

Of cours I’m kidding ,I’m avery kindly person in the world and I like animals. So next presentation is the lyric poem .It is about ………. Perfomed by …….

  1. And now we are going to warm up our party and take a danking

The Next performance is the Break Dancing , performed by…….

6)That was awesome you know Ilike how those guys hawe been danking but I

could not understand what this all moves (движение жест ) mean .It’s not easy to dance the break dancing my respect for you guys.

Hey look at you what is the nice hat where did you get it ? from American, Cowboy,You’ve just stole his hat?!

All right Ladies and gentleman let me introduce our guests from the Wild West will be proforming the Country music. Your applause please.

  1. now its time to houe a fun ,Our guys doing humor .

8) And of cours we haue Engkish partiy but we want to odd something tradition

and natiouol dnce .wateli and enjoy

  1. do you see angels ?If not Now you will see thew .the song is call Iwant to bo

10) now its time to houe a relaxing Listen our moestor.

It’s a pity that our partiy is off But our pupils want to say some words for our teacher

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Предмет: Физкультура

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Интерактивный метод

Автор: Сафаров Рузимурод

Дата: 26.06.2018

Номер свидетельства: 474283

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