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«Alisher Navoiy ijodiyotiga nazar»


Ubaydullaeva Manzura Fayzullayevna

Khasanova Mokhira Makhammatumarovna

The English teachers of the school number 19, Namangan district,

Namangan region, republic of Uzbekistan

The process of learning a foreign language is complex and diverse. Every year new textbooks appear, new methods and methods of study are offered. The main task in the study of any foreign language is the development of communicative competence among students. As for the types of role-playing games, they can be divided into two main groups: controlled role-playing game and free role-playing game. A controlled role-playing game is a simpler view and can be built on the basis of dialogue or text. In the first case, students become familiar with the basic dialogue and practice it. Then, together with the teacher, they discuss the content of the dialogue, work out the norms of speech etiquette and the necessary vocabulary. After that, students are invited to draw up their own version of the dialogue, relying on the basic and using the supports written on the board. The new dialogue may be similar to the basic one, but it is necessary to use a different content, a different form of questions and answers, this dialogue may be shorter or longer than the basic one. In addition, as necessary, the teacher can give instructions as the role-play progresses.

The second type of controlled role-playing game is a text-based role-playing game. In this case, after acquaintance with the text, the teacher may invite one of the students to play the role of a character from the text, and to other students to interview him. Moreover, student reporters can ask not only those questions for which there are answers in the text, but also any others that interest them, and the student acting as a character can express his imagination when answering these questions. As in the first case, the teacher can give instructions and help students during the role-playing game. As for the free role-playing game, when conducting it, the students themselves must decide what vocabulary they use and how the action will develop. The teacher calls the topic of the role-playing game, and then asks the students to draw up various situations that affect different aspects of the topic. The teacher can divide the class into groups, invite each group to choose a situation and give time for preparation. At the same time, if necessary, he helps students to distribute roles, discuss what can be said about the chosen situation, or provide any other help.

Creative or plot role-playing games are created by the children themselves. They differ in content (a reflection of everyday life, adult labor, social life); by organization, number of participants (individual, group, collective); in appearance (games whose plot is invented by the children themselves, dramatization games — playing fairy tales and stories). Games with rules have ready-made content and a predefined sequence of actions; the main thing in them is the solution of the task, compliance with the rules. By the nature of the game task, they are divided into two large groups: mobile and didactic. However, this division is largely arbitrary, since many outdoor games have educational value (they develop orientation in space, require knowledge of poems, songs, and the ability to count), and some didactic games are associated with various movements. There are many things in common between games with rules and creative ones: the presence of a conditional game goal, the need for active independent activity, the work of the imagination. Many games with rules have a plot, roles are played in them. There are rules in creative games — without this, a game cannot pass successfully, but these rules are set by the children themselves, depending on the plot. The difference between games with rules and creative is as follows: in a creative game, the activity of children is aimed at fulfilling the plan, developing the plot; in games with rules, the main thing is solving a problem, following the rules.

Role playing games: Role-playing game “Buying clothes”;Role-playing game “Shopping” (At the grocery store); The game “Guess the items and their number”;Two games using texts; Sample Travel Games; Role-playing game “Buying clothes”, In order to play the game, students must know the names of the items of clothing, as well as the reference replicas of the seller and the buyer to draw up a dialogue. A set of replicas is presented, for example, in the textbook of Afanasyeva and Mikheeva for 8th grade schools with in-depth study of English on page 113. There are also dialogs with passes for training. Students should pay attention to the use of verbs and pronouns in the singular and plural, depending on the chosen to clothe (it / they, do / does, etc.).

Sample dialogue:

A — Shop Assistant, C — customer.

A: Hello. What can I do for you? (How can I help you?)

C: I'm looking for a blouse (a pair of trousers).

Being a model of interpersonal communication, it causes need for communication. It contributes to the formation of educational cooperation, partnership. Improves the quality of training; provides communication practice in foreign language lessons. Modern pedagogical technologies and training in collaboration, among other things, help to implement a personality-oriented approach to learning, provide individualization and differentiation of learning, taking into account the abilities of children, their level of training. When learning foreign languages, the most significant results are given by the technology of cooperation or pair work. It allows you to create a creative atmosphere in the lesson, where each student is involved in an active cognitive process.

Therefore, role-playing games are forms of colleague works in which participants solve the problem by interacting with each other through the language they are learning.

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Предмет: Литература

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Alisher Navoiy ijodiyotiga nazar


Дата: 17.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 546975

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