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Characteristics of music literacy and national music learning through music classes in preschool educational institutions.

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the correct organization of music lessons, the role and importance of classical music, the concept of musical styles.

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«Characteristics of music literacy and national music learning through music classes in preschool educational institutions.»


Marufjon Ashurov Abdumutalibovich

Associate Professor of Music Education

Andijan State Pedagogical Institute (ADPI)

(Republic of Uzbekistan)

Annotation: the correct organization of music lessons, the role and importance of classical music, the concept of musical styles.

Keywords: aesthetic education, music literacy, classical music, spiritual worldview, musical style.

Introduction. After gaining independence, our country pays special attention to the restoration of our cultural heritage, its educational value and opportunities for the harmoniously developed young generation. In recent years, the establishment of music in art colleges, art schools, general secondary schools and preschools, music and art schools operating in the districts in each region By continuing the membership, the younger generation is being educated in the aesthetic spirit and is laying the foundation for increasing their interest in music.

The main part. There are many types of music lessons available in preschools. We all know that music is an important means of aesthetic education that gives children endless joy and happiness. From an early age, children begin to distinguish musical sounds from other noisy sounds. Children listen carefully to the music they hear and laugh at the music, imitating each other without realizing it.

During such activities, the child's cognitive and mental activity is activated. By listening carefully to the music, one realizes its most common features, its brightest images. If the child is given the task of listening carefully to music, distinguishing, comparing, distinguishing its means of expression, the emotional relationship does not lose its significance, but such mental actions enrich and expand the range of feelings and experiences of the child. constitutes consciousness. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required. During the lessons, the child learns about musical literacy, ie the theoretical approach to the notes, their writing, reading and counting, as well as a general knowledge of the world of music, types of musical works, genres, authors. it is expedient to give insights. But musical literacy is unimaginable without music literacy. For this reason, music lessons are also known for music literacy, albeit for a short period of time.

The level of knowledge, teaching style and pedagogical skills of the music teacher play a decisive role in the development of children's musical literacy, ie the ability to master the theoretical issues of music in the teaching process, the attention of children in dealing with theoretical issues. should avoid distraction from the main topic. In this regard, it is necessary to start teaching not only the styles of European peoples, but also the melodies and songs of our own Uzbek classical music. As a master of classical music, the singer includes the melodies and complex melodies of the composers. Classical melodies are the first instrument and the second way of singing.

The educator must have both theoretical and practical knowledge in this area. In teaching the musical part to children, it is good to show and hold musical instruments such as dutar, rubob, nay, doira, to give an idea about that musical instrument and to play it alone as much as possible, because independent In children, the interest in musical instruments increases twofold. In addition, the use of a variety of visual aids, imaging glasses with our instruments, also has a positive effect. Showing children pictures of musical instruments expands their imagination. In the process of teaching classical melodies, children can listen to our own national melodies, such as "Munojat", "Navruz ajam", "Dilxiroj", "Jonon", "Lazgi", and form a culture of listening to music. to go is bearing fruit. Our musical styles effectively use the classical melodies of Fergana-Tashkent, Samarkand-Bukhara, Kashkadarya-Surkhandarya, Khorezm oases.

Children get used to dancing by listening to Fergana-Tashkent melodies "Mustahzod" and Khorezm folk song "Lazgi". Kashkadarya-Surkhandarya classical music is distinguished by local customs and traditions. The oasis is dominated by the art of epics, and consists of figuratively conveying to the minds of children works of art such as "Alpomish", "Sahibqiron". In addition, children's interest in classical music will be formed at various events, such as the performance of the song "Munojot" on the nights of Navoi and Boburkhan, and the teaching of dance moves to the melody of the holiday "Navruz ajam" in the spring. is the basis for In this regard, such as "Circle Dance", "Shepherd's Game", "Andijan Regiment", "Applause Game" give good results in cultivating nationalism.

Conclusion. The study of the immortal historical heritage of Uzbek classical music in preschool institutions can be considered as the first step to enrich the spiritual outlook of the child, to encourage goodness. Helps children develop their musical literacy from an early age, that is, their interest in classical music and singing, and their love for classical music gradually reaches higher levels as they grow older.


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Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
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Characteristics of music literacy and national music learning through music classes in preschool educational institutions.

Автор: Ашуров Маъруфжон Абдумуталибович

Дата: 04.12.2023

Номер свидетельства: 641276

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