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Description of basic meaning groups of qualities.

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This article provides theoretical information about quality vocabulary, teaching the mother tongue on the basis of innovative technologies, substantiating that it is a requirement of the time, showing the importance of increasing the effectiveness of the lesson through non-traditional teaching in the mother tongue; examples of lessons based on traditional and non-traditional methods are described.


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«Description of basic meaning groups of qualities.»


Marufjon Ashurov Abdumutalibovich

Associate Professor of Music Education

Andijan State Pedagogical Institute (ADPI)

(Republic of Uzbekistan)

Annotation: This article provides theoretical information about quality vocabulary, teaching the mother tongue on the basis of innovative technologies, substantiating that it is a requirement of the time, showing the importance of increasing the effectiveness of the lesson through non-traditional teaching in the mother tongue; examples of lessons based on traditional and non-traditional methods are described.

Keywords: System grammar, language tools, predicative unit, empirical quality, rational quality, lexeme, semantic grouping.

Introduction. The role of the native language in the education system is unique, it serves as a key tool in the transmission and reception of information about their subject and other disciplines. It is well known that in the process of creative thinking, students try to express their ideas and concepts, relying on language, language capabilities, language units. It is a combination of creative thinking and language tools, in the process of expressing the possibilities of language, conveying a particular content, fully understanding and evaluating it. Therefore, it is important to create problem situations in the native language classes, to encourage students to draw logical conclusions, to develop the skills of coherent expression.

Until now, mother tongue programs in secondary schools consisted of the study of all languages, including Uzbek, on the principle of learning Russian, that is, system grammar, which is embedded in the Russian language.

The main part. The current requirements for mother tongue lessons, more precisely, the requirements of the "National Training Program" on the "Law on Education", all the subjects studied in secondary schools, the creative abilities of students should serve to grow as well as expand their scope of logical thinking.

Due to this requirement, the newly created programs and textbooks focus on meaning, and the words related to each word group are taught semantically. In this article, we want to think about the main semantic groups of adjectives in the 6th grade native language textbook. In this textbook, the authors pay close attention to the semantic groups of words and elaborate on the semantic grouping of lexemes across all word categories. In particular, lexemes belonging to the category of adjectives are divided into groups of meanings as follows.

1. Color qualities: brown, white, red, green, blue, red;

2. Taste qualities; sweet, bitter, tasteless;

3. Characteristic qualities; simple, cheerful, cheerful, humble, intelligent;

4. Status attributes; happy, wet, warm;

5. Form qualities; tall, round, plump, long;

6. Odor-giving qualities; fragrant, foul-smelling;

7. Quantitative qualities; many, few, abundant;

8. Distance qualities; long, close.

Everything that exists in material things has its mark. Although they have a lot in common, they can't be the same. Therefore, there are some aspects of studying the subject of quality in secondary schools.

Adjectives fall into the category of predicative lexical units and have peripheral capabilities of the predicative center in the speech process. Given these possibilities, we have divided them into two major groups;

empirical adjectives;

rational adjectives.

Empirical qualities are qualities that are expressed in our first sense perception through our senses.

Rational, on the other hand, are qualities that are felt by our senses and then expressed in the process of being analyzed in our minds.

Empirical adjectives can be divided into the following groups:

  • Qualities expressed in the sense of sight; black, blue, red, green;

  • adjectives that convey the meaning of hearing; slow, high;

  • adjectives denoting the meaning of smell; the smell of smoky smoke, the smell of zach;

  • Qualities that express sensations in the body and skin; hot, hot, humid, wet;

  • Adjectives that express sensory meanings through a number of sensory organs; crushed

  • Rational qualities can be divided into four groups.

  • Qualities that characterize a person, - literate, talented, talented, old, thrifty;

  • Qualities that represent the characteristics of animals - large, small, wild, pedigree;

  • qualities that characterize the properties of the thing and the object - poisonous, durable;

  • Qualities that express the characteristics of humans, animals and things - beautiful, useful.

When teaching the use of adjectives in speech, dividing them into the above groups allows you to develop the ability to use adjectives in different meanings. We tested the use of this approach in the study of qualities during the internship with academic high school students. Students were divided into two groups, and the first group was taught adjectives according to the classification in the textbook. The second group was given the types of exercises according to the classification of empirical and rational quality groups in our variant as creative work.

Conclusion. In the exercises, students were given the task of composing sentences using key words. Pupils' statements were analyzed and graded. At the end of the lesson, students completed tasks such as finding empirical and rational qualities in the Uzbek dictionary and interpreting their meaning. As a result, the classification we proposed yielded good results in the study of qualities.


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Предмет: Литература

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Description of basic meaning groups of qualities.

Автор: Ашуров Маъруфжон Абдумуталибович

Дата: 04.12.2023

Номер свидетельства: 641277

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