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Specific scenario directions of public holidays.

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The scenario of a mass celebration and show has a wide range of possibilities to emotionally impact the audience. The author relies on the audience's reaction to these historical facts and events. A screenwriter for a public holiday or show can take excerpts from dramatic works into his or her own screenplay, or he or she can write excerpts of a dramatic nature that depict a specific clash of heroes.

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«Specific scenario directions of public holidays.»


Marufjon Ashurov Abdumutalibovich

Associate Professor of Music Education

Andijan State Pedagogical Institute (ADPI)

(Republic of Uzbekistan)

Annotation: The scenario of a mass celebration and show has a wide range of possibilities to emotionally impact the audience. The author relies on the audience's reaction to these historical facts and events. A screenwriter for a public holiday or show can take excerpts from dramatic works into his or her own screenplay, or he or she can write excerpts of a dramatic nature that depict a specific clash of heroes.

Keywords. Public celebration, spectator, screenwriter, playwright, music, song, choreography

Introduction. A screenwriter for a public holiday or show can take excerpts from dramatic works into his or her own screenplay, or he or she can write excerpts of a dramatic nature that depict a specific clash of heroes. In addition, his screenplay can include other types of art - music, song, choreography, sports-plastic performances, film and video performances, poetry, etc. Of course, the more artistic tools used in the script, the harder it will be. However, it is easier to create a work that is ideologically and artistically integrated. Therefore, the scenario dramaturgy, its compositional solution is of great importance. The fact that the scenes of mass celebrations and performances have the potential to have a multifaceted emotional impact on the viewer does not always involve the audience in experiencing this or that conflict between specific protagonists. [1] Therefore, there is no need for conflict based on the scenario of public holidays and performances. In some scenarios, conflict is not required at all.

The main part. Depending on the goals and objectives of cultural events can be studied based on several topics: For example:

- "You are the symbol of freedom, mother," he said. My Motherland! ”,“ Independence is a great blessing! ”,“ The Motherland is one, the Motherland is sacred! ”,“ Our spirituality and its foundations ”,“ Studying our great history is the basis of our future ”,“ Language is the heart of the nation ”, The development of our country is in the hands of talented youth "," Our customs and traditions are a mirror of our spirituality "," Friendship of nations is the wealth of the country "," We will be worthy heirs to our great ancestors "," National moment " cultural and educational events on such topics as "motherhood and traditions", "Spiritual education and national music". -Educate our compatriots in the spirit of the sacred religion and philosophy of Islam, the exemplary life of our saints, respect and tolerance for the holy shrines and other religious denominations, a healthy lifestyle in our society, interethnic harmony, strengthening the atmosphere of mutual love. Activities aimed at the implementation of spiritual and educational programs on "International brotherhood - an ancient tradition", "Our only family children", "This dear homeland belongs to all of us", "Prosperous home with a friend", "We are a single family! "Uzbekistan is our common home!" organization of excursions on the themes of friendship, historical monuments of our republic, cities, squares of our sacred land, the glory of our nation; [2. B.45]

- Cultural events aimed at protecting the rights and interests of people, increasing the effectiveness of the fight against crime. - "This is the people's government", "State territory is a symbol of independence", "Language is a state symbol", "State symbols of Uzbekistan", "The main forms of people's government", "Democracy and human rights", "Social justice and the rule of law", The Constitution and the rule of law ”,“ The Constitution is the main source of law ”.

- "We are a healthy generation", "Heroes of our century", "Healthy life - a healthy future", "Always be a healthy child", "Promoting a healthy love of sports, a healthy lifestyle", Sports and art festivals such as "Healthy generation will be strong", "Smoking is harmful", "Minors for a healthy lifestyle", as well as various cultural events with the participation of young athletes. educational events and sports performances, meetings with masters of sports, coaches, representatives of science and art, medical and law enforcement officers. [3. B.112]

-Events such as "Ecology and Public Health", eco-festival, "Man and Nature", "Nature and Society", "Clean environment - the key to a healthy generation" are organized with the participation of young people and minors. It focuses on current environmental issues and the protection of Mother Nature. Exhibitions on such topics as "Natural landscapes in the works of artists", "Flower world", "Nature - the creator", "Nature of Uzbekistan", "Birds are our friends", "Antique flora", "Garden green nature ”,“ Living corner of the garden ”.

The fact that each scenario can meet the general requirements of dramaturgy, the dramatic completion of each episode, the growth of the emotional impact of the image on the audience from beginning to end determine its artistic level.

Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. In the journalistic issue in it, the significance of social conflict is usually expressed in the epic principle, rather than through the personal conflicts of significant, specific social events. [4. B.78]

The scenario of public celebrations and performances has a wide range of emotional impact on the audience. The author relies on the audience's reaction to these historical facts and events.

A screenwriter for a public holiday or show can take excerpts from dramatic works into his or her own screenplay, or he or she can write excerpts of a dramatic nature that depict a specific clash of heroes. In addition, his screenplay can include other types of art - music, song, choreography, sports-plastic performances, film and video performances, poetry, etc. Of course, the more artistic tools used in the script, the harder it will be. However, it is easier to create a work that is ideologically and artistically integrated. Therefore, the scenario dramaturgy, its compositional solution is of great importance. The fact that the scenes of mass celebrations and performances have the potential to have a multifaceted emotional impact on the viewer does not always involve the audience in experiencing the experiences of this or that conflict between specific protagonists. Therefore, there is no need for conflict based on the scenario of public holidays and performances. In some scenarios, conflict is not required at all.

If in this or that episode of the scenario some influential social conflict is depicted, then the whole scenario is built to depict it. You don’t have to use a single style to make a strong emotional impact on the audience at public celebrations and shows.

As for the conditions of the holiday, it is the opposite of the conditions of the conflict. Even the Victory Day, "greeted with tears," is a celebration of the end of the military confrontation, in spite of the fact that it is irrigated with the idea of ​​fighting the enemy.

Until now, the theory and practice of theatrical drama has followed the requirement that there should be conflict in every public celebration and performance. [5.B.75-77]

The theatrical method is expressed in events that are purposeful, artistically organized, based on the laws of theater, and can meet the requirements of drama. In this case, all the ideological and emotional means used during the event, as well as oral speeches, are integrated. And creates a unique plot system.

The theatrical method is expressed in events that are purposeful, artistically organized, based on the laws of theater, and can meet the requirements of drama. In this case, all the ideological and emotional means used during the event, as well as oral speeches, are combined in a complex way, creating a single plot line.

It should be noted that neither the illustration method nor the theatrical method can be used for the branched form. Each method has its own set of requirements. For example, applying the illustration method to public holidays does not work well, and there is probably no need to theatricalize a lecture or conversation. Therefore, it can be said that the method of illustration is easy to organize, it is advisable to use it every day.

Theatrical method should be used in events dedicated to great dates and holidays.

Planning is one of the tasks of management, which analyzes the conditions and factors of the external environment, predicts, coordinates, evaluates alternatives to achieve goals, develops plans that define the state of the system, ways, means and means to achieve it. Planning at the company level is carried out in the form of strategic and business plans. At the national level, it is indicative. Economic-mathematical, balanced methods and expert assessments are used in planning. [6.B.89]

A synergistic effect is one in which the potential and capabilities of an organization as a whole go beyond the capabilities and capabilities of its individual elements, which is based on their mutual support and complementarity.

Methods of socio-psychological management - is the management of socio-psychological processes in the team (employee) to achieve the set goals in terms of maintaining the health of employees and good morale in the team, compliance with laws and regulations. is a focused method.

Personnel - all employees who perform production or management operations and are engaged in the processing of the subject of labor using the tools of labor. sir.

Recruitment is the evaluation of candidates for vacant positions. Includes the following steps: initial interview, analysis of questionnaire data; collect information about the candidate; screening tests, testing, medical examination; main conversation; preparation of expert opinion.

Conclusion. Soft systems - in these systems, the human factor is manifested through the temporary self-organization of horizontal structures on the basis of continuously changing compositions of their so-called pairs of resource-carrying relationships. [7.]

Sovereignty is a form of management organization in which the head of the governing body of an institution or organization (its structural unit) is a single person who has the power to make legally binding decisions within its legal framework. Sovereignty allows for operative decision-making, which increases the personal responsibility for the overall state of affairs of the agency, organization, institution.

Self-governance is the ability of an organization to independently make and implement any decisions within the framework of applicable law to achieve its objectives.


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Категория: Уроки

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Specific scenario directions of public holidays.

Автор: Ашуров Маъруфжон Абдумуталибович

Дата: 04.12.2023

Номер свидетельства: 641271

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