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Национальное воспитание девочек в узбекской семье

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АННОТАЦИЯ: В этой статье даны мнения о воспитании будушего поколения Узбекистана, в том числе воспитания девушек в семье, и об ответственности в этом родителей. Данны мнения великих предков Форобий и Алишера Навоий о воспитании подростков.

Ключевые слова:Национальные ценности, культура общения, полноценность, идеологический иммунитет.


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«Национальное воспитание девочек в узбекской семье»

Ўзбек оиласида қизларнинг миллий тарбияси

Акбарова Мунира Асқаровна-

Наманган вилояти Тўрақўрғон тумани

Халқ таълими бўлими

Бошланғич таълимнинг

1- тоифали методисти

Национальное воспитание девочек в узбекской семье

Акбарова Мунира Асқаровна-

Методист 1 разряда

Отдела народного образования

Туракурганского района

Наманганской области

National education of girls in an Uzbek family

Akbarova Munira Asgarovna-

Methodist 1st grade

Department of Education

Turakurgan district

Namangan region


Ушбу мақолада Ўзбекистонда келажак авлод тарбияси, шу жумладан оилада қизлар тарбиясига эътибор, унга ота-оналар масъуллиги ёритилган. Буюк аждодларимиздан Абу Наср Форобий, Алишер Навоийнинг ўсмирлар тарбияси ҳақидаги фикрлари келтирилган.

Таянч сўзлар:

Миллий қадриятлар, ҳикматнома, мафкуравий иммунитет, муомала маданияти, баркамоллик.


The article provides opinions on the upbringing of the future generation of Uzbekistan, including the education of young female teenagers in family, and the responsibility of parents in this . Given the views of great ancestors of both Farabi and Alisher Navai about the upbringing of teenagers.

Key words:

National values, culture of communication, usefulness, ideological immunity


В этой статье даны мнения о воспитании будушего поколения Узбекистана, в том числе воспитания девушек в семье, и об ответственности в этом родителей. Данны мнения великих предков Форобий и Алишера Навоий о воспитании подростков.

Ключевые слова:

Национальные ценности, культура общения, полноценность, идеологический иммунитет.

“There is no denying that world culture has a positive impact on our national spirituality. No matter how much we use the positive aspects of the pedagogical heritage of other nations in the process of education, the Uzbek national values ​​will remain the basis of our spiritual maturity.

The Uzbek people have their own traditions, morals and ethics, unique styles of interaction. We have national traditions inherited from our ancestors, such as respect for adults, kindness to young people, hospitality, which are an integral part of the moral upbringing of young girls. As the great thinker Abu Nasr al-Farabi said, "Just as the maturity of a tree is its fruit, so all the attributes of man end with their moral children."

The girl is a deposit in the presence of her parents, and her heart is a pure pearl. He can accept any pattern. If taught to do good, so it grows. His reward will be shared by his parents and coach. Even if taught to do evil, it grows that way. His guilt is shared by his parents and coach. The guardian must protect him and educate him. Let him be taught good manners, let him be protected from evil vices, let him not be accustomed to indulging in fleeting pleasures, let him not be tempted to indulge in adornment. So that when he grows up, he will not waste his life following ornaments. Abu Nasr al-Farabi stated, "In order for a person to be the product of a habit that directs him to good deeds, it is necessary to have a mature character."

Parents should carefully monitor the child from an early age, from the previous days of his life. If he wants to breastfeed another woman out of necessity, let him try to find a woman who is pious and honest. There is no blessing in milk made from haram. The first of the qualities that emerge in a child is hunger for food. That’s why her parents teach her eating habits. A parent instills in their child the evil of eating too much. He explains that eating a lot of food is the work of animals. It is explained to boys that it is good to wear white clothes, while colorful and silk clothes are typical for women. The child should not be added to children who are accustomed to living a sedentary life. It is not permissible to give all the necessary knowledge to the school when the time comes, including in vain, to listen to light-hearted melodies. When a child does something good and praiseworthy, he should be rewarded and rewarded with something that makes him happy, and he should be praised in front of people. In some cases, if he commits something contrary to these acts, he should not reveal his guilt by pretending to be ignorant. If he does the same thing again, he should be punished without telling anyone, and people should be told to be ashamed if they find out. But the punishment should not be increased. Because it hardens the child's face. Then he gets used to doing everything without embarrassment. These actions require a great deal of responsibility, especially in the upbringing of girls.

The perfect upbringing of girls creates a factor for the development of spiritual and moral upbringing. According to the hadiths, the greatest legacy that parents leave to their children is the morals and etiquette that they teach them.

The most difficult and responsible part of upbringing is the upbringing of girls, and they should be shaped in such a way that they do not feel ashamed in front of friends and enemies for the upbringing that the mother gives them.

There is a saying of grandmothers: "A mother who gives birth to three daughters, raises them and marries them is heaven." These sentences are not in the economic sense, that is, they are about their upbringing, their inner world, their profession, their profession, their secular and religious beliefs.

In the past, the walls of the houses were low, and the voices of the courtyards could be heard in the street. Then the mothers sang a song under the water and said to their daughters, who were washing the dishes, "Don't let your voice go out, it would be a shame if it was heard by the neighbors."

Today, the walls of the courtyards where there is a girl are very high, beautiful, silent gates ... But from the inside, the sound of European, foreign, Turkish, hip, rap music captures the neighborhood, disturbs the peace of all neighbors, What about the girls you get? There is no certainty that they will be exemplary, aristocratic housewives. Are they polite?

This is stated in Kaikous's Nightmare:

“If you want to be popular among the people, keep your word

do not disclose "

"If you want to be among the innocent, don't be tempted."

"If you want to be superior to everyone, be faithful."

The creative heritage of the thinker and poet Alisher Navoi is an encyclopedia of human qualities. Dozens of works of the poet, such as "Hamsa", "Khazayn ul-maoniy", "Lison ut-tayr", "Mahbub ul-qulub", "Nazmul javohir" contain the upbringing of a perfect man and a child in the family. According to Navoi, for a society to be perfect, first of all, a person must achieve perfection. The role of life in human perfection is incomparable.

Navoi, in his book Mahbub ul-Qulub, describes life as follows:

"Mercy and kindness are parents,

fidelity and modesty are two noble children.

Every heart is filled with faithfulness,

He is also shy and in every place,

It is found, it is also found,

There is no shame in disbelief, there is no fidelity in shame.

Not everyone has these two - no faith-

and hope can't shine ...

Perfect people and naughty people ... ”

Forming a culture of girls' behavior through beautiful words is one of the most important conditions for preparing for family life. A shy girl does not raise her voice in the midst of her father, mother, brother and other livers, or strangers, and does not shout, "I am right." The strength, stability, culture and morality of the family largely depend on the sweetness of the housewives.

Uzbek girls have a unique culture of behavior, speech and response. In the future, their ability to be tolerant will help them fulfill their bridal duties in a large family, avoid problems, earn the respect of all members of the groom's family, and have the definition of an "exemplary bride." Not only mothers but also fathers are responsible for carrying out these tasks.

What is good and what is bad for human perfection in family life has a special place in our national heritage.

Fakhriddin Rasul, in his book Ethics, wrote about "Wealth, its preservation and spending" and divided people into 3 groups: greedy, boastful, generous, and truly generous.

1. Greedy people. They collect goods without anyone's consent. They present themselves as strangers and needy people. Such heads of families have been called greedy, greedy, greedy, or “not bread” because they do not conform to the moral code created by our people.

2. Proud benefactors. She is proud of herself in the congregation, knowing that her family is suffering and her family members are suffering. This is also not the case. Such family heads are called boastful benefactors.

3. True generosity. The heads of families who provide for the whole household, who provide for the family fully materially and spiritually, who spend their earnings according to a plan, who help their relatives, and who take care of the poor and needy, are truly generous. A girl who grew up in such families will definitely take what she sees and experienced at home as her motto. It is said that he does what he sees in the bird's nest.

When a parent has a heart-to-heart conversation with his child, he dwells in detail on the oriental customs, rituals, and sayings of the child's upbringing. He reads about it from the written wisdom and narrations. The girl deserves the qualities of gentleness, modesty, decency, shyness, cleanliness, intelligence, diligence, vigilance, diligence, perseverance, moderation, kindness to parents, brothers and sisters, patience. repeated. In his own words, if virtues such as eloquence, courage, generosity, and generosity were explained to boys with real-life examples, it would be a great light upon light.

Girls were also taught science and craft. In particular, their manners and ethics were seen as a priority. The rules of etiquette were not forcibly introduced into people's lives, but it was created by the demands of life - the desires, needs and needs of people. Gradually, special books were published on the basis of these rules, and in this way it became the spiritual wealth of the people. One of the first written works of the peoples of Central Asia, the Avesto, written on the skins of 12,000 cattle, also contains valuable ideas on education, morality and decency.

The Uzbek people are one of the most ancient peoples in Central Asia. Its customs and rules of etiquette are embodied in this ancient history.

We offer the following suggestions for the upbringing of girls in the family as exemplary and spiritual, cultured:

- The father must have his place in the family, the mother must have her place;

- Every family should have a family library, which should contain the works of our great thinkers;

- The girl should be taught not only science, but also a profession;

- Must have a personal example in the conduct of household chores;

- Mothers should raise their daughters secularly and religiously;

- Girls should be educated not only secular, religious, but also hygienic and ethical.

The achievement of national independence of Uzbekistan and the political, economic and spiritual changes taking place in our republic today are historic events in terms of their scale and significance. These processes have initiated radical changes in the social life of our society and play an important role in determining the future of the Uzbek people.

Nowadays, the development of the whole sphere in accordance with the national needs and interests of the country, taking into account the age-old way of life, traditions, customs and experiences of our ancestors, is an important and urgent issue. It goes without saying that the republic as a nation-state needs to determine its own path of development, the ideology of national independence, which is developing socio-political, economic, spiritual and cultural, and inculcate it in the minds of the younger generation. If the approximations for this are followed, a positive result will be achieved in the upbringing of the girls.

- Explain to girls the essence of beautiful moral qualities, help them to master and practice them;

- Trying to connect ancient national traditions with modern traditions, improving the etiquette, sophistication, moral knowledge of girls;

- To test the knowledge of girls about morality, to acquaint them with ways to apply it in practice;

- To form a sense of love for our customs and traditions, to observe the observance of the girl's morality;

- Separate teaching of a set of qualities unique to Eastern girls in the family;

- To instill in the minds of girls to look at the lives of our grandmothers who lived in the past, to be worthy children, to learn from them, and so on.

The main factor in the organization of the upbringing of girls in the family should be the formation and development of high national qualities of girls, such as Uzbek national pride, national oriental dialogue, positive attitude to religious and secular ideas, dress, manners, family.

List of used literature:

1. I.A.Karimov. We build our future with our own hands. Tashkent: Uzbekistan. 1999, pp. 302-303.

2. I.A.Karimov. The homeland is as sacred as a shrine. -Tashkent: Uzbekistan. 1996. -39 b.

3. Alimardonova O., Nazarov K., "Life and etiquette". Sharq, Tashkent. 1996. 74-b.

4. Omina Journal. “The Beginning of Child Upbringing.” P.24. Retrieved from Islam.uz. Special issue.

5. Kaykovus. Nightmare. –Tashkent., Teacher.2017 y. Page 58

6. http://www.ziyonet.uz/- “Etiquette is human beauty”

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Национальное воспитание девочек в узбекской семье

Автор: Акбарова Мунира Асқаровна

Дата: 30.06.2020

Номер свидетельства: 554347

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