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Урок английского языка " Friendship"

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«Урок английского языка " Friendship"»

Unit 3 Values

Term 2

LESSON: Friendship is the most important thing in our life



Teacher name:


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.S5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges on a growing range of general and curricular topics

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

5.W3 write with support factual descriptions at text level which describe people, places and objects

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • improve oral communication skills by a whole class interaction

  • work in groups to exchange your viewpoints

  • practise describing friends using adjectives

Most learners will be able to:

  • improve oral communication skills by a whole class interaction

  • work in groups to exchange your viewpoints

  • practise describing friends using adjectives

Some learners will be able to:

  • improve oral communication skills by a whole class interaction

  • work in groups to exchange your viewpoints

  • practise describing friends using adjectives

Language objectives

Use simple present, past and future tenses

Value links

Respect, Support the friends

Cross curricular links lin


ICT skills

Smart board for presenting a video

Intercultural awareness

Students will be able to understand that significance of friends role in the human life

Kazakh culture

Students will be able to value the work in Kazakh culture

Pastoral Care

Students will be able to understand the importance of respecting values

Health and Safety

Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords

Previous learning

Family relationships


Planned timings

Planned activities


Lesson 1



1.Class organisation

Warm-up and lesson objectives presentation

Warm-up (W, I)

T- Children, today we have an unusual lesson, we have guests.

Let’s introduce each other:

Hello my friend,

This is my hand!

How are you?

I’m glad to see you!

2.T: Look at the black-board and try to guess what the title of our lesson. 
The theme of our lesson is "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

Let's repeat the proverb together and match the Russian equivalent.

How do you think, what we will know at the end of the lesson?

Teacher introduces the lesson objectives.

What proverbs about friendship do you know

(students tell the proverbs)

Man is known by the company he keeps.

Money can’t buy friendship.

A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody. 
A good friend is as a sun in winter. 

Give Russian equivalents.

3.I want to introduce the rules of our lesson( you know them and I think you will be done them)

Read the rules of a lesson and translate them.

  1. Listen to the tasks attentively.

  2. Don't be in a hurry.

  3. Listen to each other.

  4. Help each other.

  5. Express your own opinion.

  6. Respect opinion of your classmate.

  7. Be quiet, sure and try hard.

  8. Answer correctly.







Lead-in (W, I)

4.T- Dear students look at the blackboard , read the statements and agree or disagree with them and WHY?

Agree or disagree.

  1. A friend is a person who keeps secrets.

  2. A true friend is someone who ignores your problems.

  3. Friendship is a thing which lasts forever.

  4. A false friend is a person that worries about you.

  5. Friendship is a thing that takes time.

  6. A true friend is a person who can forgive you.

5. And now I want to play with you.
Can you imagine? I am reporter and I’d like to take an interview about your friends. Could you answer my questions? Are you ready?

Ok’ but now somebody of you will be a reporter. (Dasha or Nastya)
- Have you got friends? 
- Of course, I’ve got friends.
-Have you got the best friend? What’s his/her name? 
- I think, I’ve got the best friend. His/her name is ...
- - Have you got a true friend? How long have you known each other?
- Yes, I have. We have known each other for … years.
- How often do you see each other?
-We see each other practically every day.
- Do you share your problems with your friend?
- Yes, sometimes I share my problems with my friend.
- How often do you change friends?
-I try not to change friends.
- What qualities are the most important for you in your friend?
- I think my friend should be honest and strong.
- Are you a good friend?
- To my mind I’m a good friend. 
-How old is he/she? 
-Where was he/she born? 
-Where does he/she live now? 
-What does he/she look like? 
-What are the main features of his/her character? 
-Can you rely on your friend in everything?
-Do you often spend time together? 
-What is your friend’s hobby? 

-Do you worry about each other?

-Is it fun to be with your friend?

-Do you have similar interests?

-What do you usually do with your friend?

-Does your friend cheer you up in trouble?

-Do you forgive each other?

-Do you share your secrets?

Make the dialogues/ one in group.

6.Заполнить cловарную паутину. :

 I have an interesting idea; let’s remember the list of words and phrases which based on the character of human being. Pay attention to remember: 

And now, I want to revise the previous topic .

Let’s write 3 adjectives to describe

how you see themselves,

how their friends see them, and

who they really are.

Complete the Word Web. My friend.

Описать вашего друга, используя паутину.

Describe your friend, using your Word Web also. They write adjectives, adjective phrases and verbs + nouns around the gingerbread figure to describe a friend e.g. short, dark hair, blue eyes, quite tall, friendly, helpful, kind, likes swimming, doesn’t like football, can play the guitar, can’t play a recorder

F- FRIENDLY, fun, favourite, Fantastic

R- rely on, respect, responsible

    1. intelligent, interesting,

E- emotional

N- neat, nice, noisy

D – dear,

Then each group passes their Word Web to another group. Each group can add only one word. (each group has the sticker-flower)

And each group chooses the speaker and presents their works.

Groups have to make one question to another group.

Релаксация /слайды/.

I want you to have a rest and relax a little.

Let's look at these beautiful sights of nature and imagine that we are there.

It's summer. We are at the seaside. We are lying on the beach and some of us are swimming in the sea.

Now we are in the forest. Everything is green and quiet, only birds are singing.

Now we are in the mountains. They are marvelous. We are going to climb them.

But today our high mountain is our lesson. I hope all of you will climb it and catch a lot of stars from the heavens.

Speaking (G) Situations-

  1. if you do not understand the home task your friend …

  2. if you are in a bad mood your friend…

Learners share descriptions of their friends.

They answer: What’s the same and what’s different in their Word WEBS and descriptions? Why are friends important?

Writing (I)

T: Students have two sentences on the card. They have to translate them into English, writing in the copy books.

Let’s go on and do next task which based on translating. I will give cards to every team to translate the sentences into English. Choose your tasks and do it well.

1 .У меня много хороших друзей
I have many good friends. 
У Ника впечатляющая внешность. 
Nick has a good appearance. 
Он высокий симпатичный. He is tall and handsome.

  1. Эти студенты обладают чувством юмора, они всегда веселы. 
    The students have a sense of humor. They are always happy. 
    У меня только один друг. 
    I have just one friend. 
    3.Мой лучший друг очень умный. 
    My best friend is very clever. 
    Маша очень дружелюбный человек. 
    Masha is a very friendly person. 

По выполнению задания даются ключи на экране… учащиеся сами проверяют сдают карточки с баллами.
Vocabulary (W)

Teacher asks learners to make the proverbs and give the RUSSIAN EQUVALENTS ..

Make up the English proverb and match the Russian one.

  1. You know a man by his friend.

  2. They are rich who have true friends.

  3. A friend is easier lost than found.

  • Скажи, кто твой друг, скажу кто ты.

  • Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей.

  • Друга легче потерять, чем найти.


Less able students are given a word bank or let them use a picture dictionary.

How many words about friends and friendship do you now?

Look at the blackboard. This is a Box of friendship, but it hasn’t flowers. Let’s decorate it! But first write the words about friends and friendship on the flowers and then decorate a Box.


On the blackboard the scheme (3 columns)

I like this lesson and understand everything

I like this lesson but I don’t understand any tasks

I don’t like this lesson


Handout 1



Reflection (W)

Each student has a present’s box. They have to assess one of their classmates. And present the box to him or her. On the black board is the big present’s box… each student have to write the feedback to the teacher.

Teacher asks learners to answer the questions to give feedback: Why do we pay so much attention to friendship? Why is it so interesting to spend free time with our friends?

Teacher gives students cards with words “Good!” or “Not bad! “or “ Be more active!”


Home task:

Необходимо заполнить карточку «Мой друг», по желанию можно написать сочинение о своем лучшем друге.

I have a friend named_____
On the whole my friend is_____and a_____person.
I have_____as a friend because_______.
I think________is a true friend because_______.
_______tells me______and helps me________.
I think that_____is my______friend.

Now please, write down a poem about friendship, which is called «Friend». 

With friend you have a lot of fun. 
A friend will never let you down. 
You’ll tell your secrets to your friend, 
And he will always understand.
A friend is always there for you, 
And you can talk your problems through 
And now the most important thing, 
He’ll be with you through thick and thin.
But if your friend just wants some fun 
And when you need him-lets you down 
And doesn’t give a helping hand, 
That is a fair-weather friend.
He’ll stand by you to the end – 
And then you call that one your friend.

Let's smile each other and remember "Friendship always wins! "

Rise your hands

Jump up high

Wave your hands

And say Goodbye!

Thanks a lot for your hard work. Did you enjoy our lesson? : So did I. Our lesson is over. You may be free. Bye-bye.

Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Cross-curricular links
Health and safety check
ICT links
Values links

  • More support can be given at the start and in middle of lesson by providing less-able learners with story vocabulary in a word list so they can read examples of words seen or heard.

  • Learners who are less confident at making up dialogue, can be given copies of parts of the dialogue from the story to read aloud.

  • More-able learners can be encouraged to use the full range of language from the video when they practise the role-play.

  • Monitor how much vocabulary learners can recall from images on the video without sound and then from video with sound.

  • Monitor learners as they reorder events from the story. Can they read and understand each event and can they sort them into chronological order? Notice any sentences which are difficult for learners to understand and adapt for a future lesson.

  • Monitor groups of learners as they agree on and practise dialogue for the role-play activity. Do they take turns to speak? Do they contribute appropriate language for the role-play?

  • Links to the L1: Do learners know this story in the L1 and do they know any other Aesop’s fables?

  • Make sure learners have sufficient space to act out the role-play.

  • As the unit is on the topic of values, it is very important to leave time to discuss the end two questions with the whole class.


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today?

What was the learning atmosphere like?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions from the box on the left about your lesson.

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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Предмет: Начальные классы

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка " Friendship"

Автор: Соколова Анна Вячеславовна

Дата: 28.03.2018

Номер свидетельства: 463895

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