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Peculiar Properties of the Student Creative Personality Traits Formation as a Principal Factor of the Competitive Specialist’s Outstripping Preparation.

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A matter of increasing nation’s competitiveness, intellectual and creative potential of
professionally mobile specialists is advancing in the rate of the most actual tasks of present
Kazakhstan’s society. It is connected with a need of education’s modernization in accordance
with new aims and tasks for the Republic of Kazakhstan development.
Today, a high school, which is widely accepted as an organization, an institutional system,
association, is an educational quality provision and professional training actual. Such interest is
conditioned by the changes in specialists training who are ought to be ready for a repeatedly
change of professional activity. Besides, the acquisition of professional habits and skills must
take a short period of time and minimal expenses. It supposes ability to the active acquisition of
new activity which is connected with ability to self expression and continuous learning. Only
innovative education is able to solve this problem, the aim of which is security and development
of a man creative potential.

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Предмет: Психологу

Категория: Прочее

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Peculiar Properties of the Student Creative Personality Traits Formation as a Principal Factor of the Competitive Specialist’s Outstripping Preparation.

Автор: Сагдуллаев Иброхим Ирисматович

Дата: 12.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 219386

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