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Основы курса электротехники STEAM Arduino

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Mühəndislik dərsləri elm, texnologiya, mühəndislik, fizika, kimya, incəsənət və riyaziyyatı inteqrasiya edən STEAM proqramlarının gələcək nəsillərə 21-ci əsrin bilik və bacarıqlarını ötürməyə yönəlib. Arduino ilə mühəndislik dərsləri çərçivəsində şagirdlər elektrik dövriyyəsinin qurulması, elektrik cərəyanı, naqillər və digər dövriyyə elementləri ilə fərqli layihələrin hazırlanması, gündəlik qarşılaşdığımız problemlərin həll yollarının tapılması və C++ dilində proqramlaşdırma öyrənirlər.

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«Основы курса электротехники STEAM Arduino»

Quickly and easily get started with learning electronics using the Arduino Starter Kit, which have a universal appeal to STEAM fans at home, businesses in STEAM industries, and schools alike. No prior experience is required, as the kits introduce both coding and electronics through fun, engaging, and hands-on projects. You can use the starter kit to teach students about current, voltage, and digital logic as well as the fundamentals of programming. There’s an introduction to sensors and actuators and how to understand both digital and analog signals. Within all this, you’ll be teaching students how to think critically, learn collaboratively, and solve problems.


Projects you can make:


  • 01 GET TO KNOW YOUR TOOLS an introduction to the basics

  • 02 SPACESHIP INTERFACE design the control panel for your starship

  • 03 LOVE-O-METER measure how hot-blooded you are

  • 04 COLOR MIXING LAMP produce any color with a lamp that uses light as an input

  • 05 MOOD CUE clue people in to how you're doing

  • 06 LIGHT THEREMIN create a musical instrument you play by waving your hands

  • 07 KEYBOARD INSTRUMENT play music and make some noise with this keyboard

  • 08 DIGITAL HOURGLASS a light-up hourglass that can stop you from working too much

  • 09 MOTORIZED PINWHEEL a colored wheel that will make your head spin

  • 10 ZOETROPE create a mechanical animation you can play forward or reverse

  • 11 CRYSTAL BALL a mystical tour to answer all your tough questions

  • 12 KNOCK LOCK tap out the secret code to open the door

  • 13 TOUCHY-FEEL LAMP a lamp that responds to your touch

  • 14 TWEAK THE ARDUINO LOGO control your personal computer from your Arduino

  • 15 HACKING BUTTONS create a master control for all your devices!


Once you’ve mastered this knowledge, you’ll have a palette of software and circuits that you can use to create something beautiful, and make someone smile with what you invent. Then build it, hack it and share it. You can find the Arduino code for all these projects within the Arduino IDE, click on File / Examples / 10.StarterKit. 
Have a look at these video tutorials for a project by project walk-through.


Pictures shown are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary due to product enhancement.


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Предмет: Технология

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Основы курса электротехники STEAM Arduino

Автор: Сулейманов Рамиль Амирхан оглы

Дата: 01.12.2020

Номер свидетельства: 565050

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