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Неделя науки в рамках работы с классом

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«Неделя науки в рамках работы с классом»

Scientific inventions of the 20th century .

Scientific inventions of the 20th century .

Aircraft E ven then, people tried to create an aircraft and rise above the ground. In 1903, the Wright brothers created their own


E ven then, people tried to create an aircraft and rise above the ground. In 1903, the Wright brothers created their own "Flyer - 1" with engine for the American inventors. He was airborne for 59 seconds. Today it is impossible without airplanes and they remain the fastest mode of transport.

Brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright

Brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright

Computer       Today you can not imagine life without a computer, laptop or tablet. And more recently, similar devices were used only for scientific purposes. In 1941, the German Konrad Zuse created the Z3 mechanical computing machine.     In 1946, John Mockley presented the first ENIAC to the world. Many years have passed than huge machines turned into compact devices. John Mockley


   Today you can not imagine life without a computer, laptop or tablet. And more recently, similar devices were used only for scientific purposes. In 1941, the German Konrad Zuse created the Z3 mechanical computing machine.

    In 1946, John Mockley presented the first ENIAC to the world. Many years have passed than huge machines turned into compact devices.

John Mockley

Internet   Create a connection, originated during the Cold War, the US Department of Defense used a project by the ARPA agency to transmit data at a distance without using mail and telephone.   Universities of California and Santa Barbara have developed the ARPAnet network. In 1969, she connected the computers of these universities. At present, there are already more than three billion users in the world.


Create a connection, originated during the Cold War, the US Department of Defense used a project by the ARPA agency to transmit data at a distance without using mail and telephone.

  Universities of California and Santa Barbara have developed the ARPAnet network. In 1969, she connected the computers of these universities.

At present, there are already more than three billion users in the world.

Questions 1 . What did Konrad Zuse create? 1)Airplane 2)Z3 car 3)Your answer 2. In what year, John Mockley, presented the world the first ENIAC. 1)1955 2) 1982 3) 1946 3. Who created the “Flyer - 1” in 1903, US Department of Defense  2) Own answer 3) Universities of California


1 . What did Konrad Zuse create?

1)Airplane 2)Z3 car 3)Your answer

2. In what year, John Mockley, presented the world the first ENIAC.

1)1955 2) 1982 3) 1946

3. Who created the “Flyer - 1” in 1903,

  • US Department of Defense

2) Own answer 3) Universities of California

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Предмет: Внеурочная работа

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Неделя науки в рамках работы с классом

Автор: Ильина Наталья Андреевна

Дата: 18.02.2019

Номер свидетельства: 500232

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