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Конспекты уроков 5 класс II Unit

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Данный материал представляет собой конспекты уроков для 5 класса New millennium english Деревянко Н.Н. и др. Unit II.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

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«Конспекты уроков 5 класс II Unit »


July07 U2 TB 5new approbation




-научиться говорить о расписании учащихся;

- познакомиться с Британской системой образования;

- изучить некоторые школьные предметы и лексику по теме.


after - после

before - перед

biology - биология

break - перемена

day - день

French - французский

geography - география

history - история

literature - литература

lunch - ланч

registration – регистрация, перекличка

science – наука


once a week, twice a week, four times a week

Ход урока:


  1. Tell Pp that they are going to study a new unit. Ask them to look through the unit and say what they think it is about. Weaker Pp might want to give their answers in Russian.

  2. Say the title of the unit and explain what it means. Draw Pp’s attention to the word daily. Point out its relation to the word day.

  3. To revise the days of the week, ask Pp to say the names of the days or remember a rhyme about the days of the week; ask what day it is today, about their favourite day of the week .

1a Class. To introduce new vocabulary.

  1. Tell Pp that the first lesson in the unit is about timetables. Explain that there are different types of timetables. Max, Jane and Dima are looking at the timetable which is on their school website. Sarah is from New Zealand. She has a timetable on her mobile. Ask Pp to look at Jane’s timetable and say the names of the subjects they know.

  2. Draw Pp’s attention to the new words Literature, Biology, History, Geography, Science, elicit/ explain their meaning, practise saying them.

  3. Ask Pp about other new words in the timetable and introduce / elicit the meaning of registration and break.

Background information for the teacher

The names of subjects in the timetable are written with capital letters. In other texts names of subjects are written in lower case, except English, Russian, French, and abbreviations like PE, IT.

English Pp study Science, which is a kind of integrated course including several subjects: chemistry, physics, biology, ecology, etc.

Social studies is another integrated course which deals with people in society, usually including basics of history, politics, economics, sociology, and anthropology

Registration takes place at the beginning of the morning and the beginning of the afternoon in all schools in the UK. The teacher marks in the register who is present and who is absent and then the register is given to the school administration.

Assembly is a meeting of all the teachers and pupils of a school. Many schools in Britain have assemblies every morning before classes.

This vocabulary can be also presented with the help of ICT, see Teacher’s Disk (TD) U2 L1

Equipment: teacher-operated computer, digital projector.

1b Class, individual. To practise listening for detail.

  1. Tell Pp to look at the timetable and listen to Jane and Max. They will talk about three different days of the week. Write the days Jane likes / doesn't like much / doesn't like at all.

  2. If you don’t encourage writing in the books, tell Pp to write the numbers from one to three in their exercise books and write the days of the week next to them while listening.

  3. If necessary, play the cassette twice and elicit the answers. In a weaker groups you might need to pause the recording after the words …I like Geography and …I’m not good at IT for Pp to be clear where a new part starts.



Jane, what’s your favourite school day?


Oh that’s easy! It’s [a sound to cover the speech, e.g. something falling on the floor]. We have English and French. And Maths and Technology too. And I’m good at Geography.


And what about [a sound to cover the speech]? Do you like [a sound to cover the speech]?


No! On [a sound to cover the speech] we have an IT lesson. I’m not good at IT.


Well, what about [a sound of something falling on the floor]? Do you like [a sound of something falling on the floor]?


Er… Not very much because there are two PE lessons on that day

Answer key: 1 Friday 2 Wednesday 3Thursday

  1. To personalise the material, ask Pp which day in Jane’s timetable they like best.

This listening can be also done with the help of ICT, see Teacher’s Disk (TD) U2 L1

Equipment: teacher-operated computer, digital projector.

2a Individual, class. To introduce once / twice / four times a week.

  1. Pp are expected to guess the meaning of the words form the context. Tell them to read the speech bubbles and look at Jane’s timetable carefully. Elicit / explain the meaning of the phrases in bold.

  2. Draw Pp’s attention to the Look box and practise saying the phrases.

2b Class, pairs. To practise new vocabulary.

  1. Tell Pp to open their diaries (дневники) and encourage them to say what subjects they have got in their timetable.

  2. Ask Pp to look at the example and explain to them that when we want to compare things we use but when the things are different and too when they are similar.

  3. Tell Pp to compare their timetable and that of Jane. Ask two or three stronger Pp to give their own examples and organise Pp to work in pairs. Walk around and correct as necessary.

3a Pairs / Individual, class. To practise reading standard coded texts.

  1. Remind Pp of Sarah from New Zealand and ask them to say what the letters in her timetable stand for. Set a couple of minutes for Pp to do the task either individually or in pairs and elicit the answers. Pp write the names of the subjects next to the letters. If you do not encourage writing in the books, suggest that Pp first copy the letters in their exercise books, then write the names of the subjects.

  2. Elicit the answers and introduce social studies for passive use.

3b Individual / Pairs, class. To practise reading for detail.

Besides reading practice this activity will provide a model for speaking.

  1. Make sure that Pp understand the task.

  2. Introduce before and after through the context and allow about four minutes for Pp to do the task.

  3. Elicit the answers and praise Pp who have done the exercise well.

Answer key:



3c Pairs / Class. To practise talking about timetables.

  1. Set the task and demonstrate how to do it with a stronger Pp in front of the whole class.

  2. Organise Pp in pairs and ask them to tell each other about their timetables. Walk around and help as necessary.


In a stronger class you might want to organise this activity as a role play. Divide Pp into groups or pairs and ask them to take the role of Jane, Max, Dima, Sarah or be themselves. Encourage them to talk about their respective timetables and compare them using the model in Ex. 3b. You might also want to ask them perform in front of the class.

4 Homework. To consolidate the language of the lesson.

Explain that an exchange pupil is coming to their class. He / she wants to know what subjects they study at school. Ask Pp to write an e-mail about their timetable.






- научиться высказываться о школе;

- изучение лексики по теме;

- изучение времени Present Simple;

- воспитывать уважительное отношение к стране и культуре изучаемого языка.


diary - дневник

put a mark in – поставить оценку в дневник


present simple: Do you / they V?

Yes, I / we / they do. No, I / we / they don’t.

I / we / they V. I / we / they don’t V

Ход урока:

Warm up

  1. To revise the school subjects and the structure My favourite subject is…, play a chain game.

Example: Pupil A: My favourite subject is maths.

Pupil B: Lena’s favourite subject is maths and my favourite subject is history. Etc.

  1. To lead into the topic of the lesson, ask Pp what marks they have in their favourite subjects.

Background information for the teacher

A mark is a point that is given for a correct answer or for doing something well in an exam or competition. A mark can also be a written symbol such as a letter that indicates how good a student's or competitor's work or performance is.

A school report is an official written account of how well or how badly a pupil has done during the term or year that has just finished. It includes both marks for subjects and verbal comments from teachers about a pupil’s progress.

1a Class. To practise listening for specific information.

  1. Tell Pp that in this lesson they are going to learn about school routines in Britain and some other countries. Elicit / Revise the meaning of routine.

  1. Tell Pp to look at the pictures, read the speech bubbles and discuss in pairs what is happening in each picture. Allow a couple of minutes to do that. And discuss it as a whole class. However, keep control over the time. Don’t go into too much detail.

  2. Revise wear uniform, get marks, break.

  3. Introduce and practise diary, school report, lunch box. To practise the new words, take a P’s diary and ask, What do we use it for? Elicit the answers: to write down homework, to put marks in it, etc. Ask, What do you think they write in a school report? (a P’s marks.) Who gets the school report? (Parents) Do your parents get school reports? How do they learn about your marks at school? Etc.

  4. Ask Pp to listen to the seven short conversations and put the pictures in order.

  5. Play the tape twice if necessary and elicit the answers.




The test wasn’t easy! Look. What’s this?


It’s A!


Do you get marks in letters?


Yes, we do. A is an excellent mark. Well done, Dima.



Do you put marks in a school diary?


No, we don’t. We only write down our homework in it. And the teacher reports on our results.



What about lunch? Do you have lunch at school?


Yes, we do. Have you got your lunchbox?


Oh, yes, I do.


Let’s go and have lunch…



Here you are.


Thanks. Do you wear a uniform at school?


Yes, we do.



Do you like maths?


Yes, I do. It’s my favourite subject. Do you like maths?


No, I don’t.



Do parents get school reports?


Yes, they do. My parents get them by email.


How interesting!



I’m a bit tired. Do you have breaks?


Yes, we do. But not after each lesson.

Answer key:

1E 2F 3G 4A 5B 6C 7D

This listening can be also done with the help of ICT, see Teacher’s Disk (TD) U2 L2

Equipment: teacher-operated computer, digital projector.

1b Individual, class. To raise Pp’s awareness of the translation equivalents for school

routines in both languages.

This is a translation exercise. For NME approaches to teaching translation as a skill see TB 6).

Ask Pp to do the matching. Elicit the answers and draw their attention to the underlined parts of the pairs of equivalents. Use awareness-raising questions to help Pp notice that the structures used to convey the same meaning are quite different e.g. What is the English for У нас есть? (We have…). The same is true about similar phenomena e.g. school report / ведомость успеваемости, etc.

2a Pairs, class. To raise Pp’s awareness of the present simple as a grammatical


  1. Ask Pp to look at the examples in the Look box and answer the questions in pairs. Encourage them to refer to the context, i.e. the pictures in Ex. 1a when necessary.

  2. Set a time limit of about three minutes and elicit the answers.

2b Individual, class. To practise using the structure under controlled conditions.

Pp do the task individually then check it as a whole class.

Answer key:

1 do 2 don’t 3 like 4 do 5 do 6 don’t

3 Pairs. To practise asking and answering questions using the present simples under less

controlled conditions.

  1. Ask Pp to read the instruction and make sure that they understand it. If necessary explain that they are pupils from different countries. The name of the country is given in the first column of Card 1. They use the information in this card to answer their partner’s questions. The aim of the role play is to fill in Card 2 with the information they can get from their partner.

  2. Set a few minutes for Pp to copy Card B into their exercise books then signal the beginning of the activity. Pp take turns asking and answering and write down what they learn from their partners. Emphasise the necessity of writing the information down.

  3. When most Pp have finished, ask one or two Pp to tell you what they have found out about school routines in other countries.

4a, 4b Homework. To consolidate the language of the lesson.

  1. Ask Pp to read the instruction and make sure that they understand the task.

  2. Check as a part of warm up in the next lesson.


ДАТА: ТЕМА: A DAY IN MY LIFE «Который час?»


- научиться спрашивать сколько время, говорить об школьных делах;

- изучение структур What’s the time? It’s five o’clock in the morning.

It’s half past / to…;

- познакомиться как Англичане говорят о времени;

- воспитывать уважительное отношение к языку и стране изучаемого языка.


do homework – делать домашнее задание

dress – одеваться, платье

get up - вставать

half - половина

o’clock – часов

past – прошедшее, прошлое

quarter - четверть

time - время

wash - мыться


What’s the time?

It’s five o’clock in the morning.

It’s half past / to…

It’s (a) quarter past / to…

What time do you get up?

I get up at… in the morning / afternoon / evening, at night

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент.

2. Основная часть.

1a Class, pairs. To introduce the new structure.

  1. Ask Pp to look at the picture of a clock. Introduce the question What’s the time? quarter, half, past and to using the picture. Explain that both It’s ten fifteen and It’s quarter past ten are possible as well as It’s a quarter to / past ten.

  2. Draw Pp’s attention to the Look box and the time line. Teach morning, afternoon, evening, night. Explain that the English say in the morning when it is up to 12 o’clock; in the afternoon when it is up to 6 o’clock; in the evening after 6 o’clock to 10.30 or 11 o’clock and after 10.30 or 11 o’clock – at night.

This structure can be also presented with the help of ICT, see Teacher’s Disk (TD) U2 L3

Equipment: teacher-operated computer, digital projector.

1b Class. To practise the structure.

  1. Photocopy the cards (Photocopiable materials p. XXX) and give a card to each Pp. Say a time, for example: It’s one o’clock. Ask Pp to point to the correct picture.

  2. Ask Pp to cross out four of the clocks on their grids.

  3. Say a time. Whenever they hear a time that corresponds with a clock on their grids, they put a tick next to the corresponding clock. The P who has put ticks next to all (eight) clocks on their grid first is the winner.


If photocopiable materials are not available, draw eight clocks showing different time on the blackboard. Ask Pp to copy any five of them in their exercise books. Pp cross a clock out when they hear a time they have on their clocks.

2a Pairs, class. To practise reading for specific information.

  1. Ask Pp to look through the pictures describing the young wizard’s morning routine. Check how well Pp understand what is shown in every picture.

  2. Set a time limit and allow Pp to read the verses and match them to the pictures in pairs. Introduce verses for recognition if necessary. The clocks will help Pp to do the task quickly.

  3. Check the answers as a whole class.

Answer key:

1C 2D 3A 4B 5E

2b Pairs / individual, class. To practise using context for deducing the meaning of

unknown words.

  1. Tell Pp to read carefully each verse again and guess the meaning of the words in bold. Pp work individually or in pairs helping each other to understand the new words.

  2. Elicit the answers and practice saying the new words and phrases.

2c Class. To help Pp learn new vocabulary.

Play the tape and have Pp sing the chant with the tape.



Oh, dear! What’s the time?

It’s five o’clock

It’s five o’clock in the morning.

Get up

Get up

I get up at five o’clock in the morning.


Oh, dear! What’s the time?

It’s quarter past five

It’s quarter past five

Wash and dress

Wash and dress

I wash and dress at quarter past five in the morning.


Oh, dear! What’s the time?

It’s half past five

It’s half past five

Let’s have breakfast

Let’s have breakfast

I have breakfast at half past five the morning.

4. Oh, dear! What’s the time?

It’s ten past six

It’s ten past six in the morning

Go to school

Go to school

I go to school at ten past six in the morning.


Oh, dear! What’s the time?

It’s quarter to seven

It’s quarter to seven

The lessons start

At quarter to seven in the morning

I’m not late

I’m not late for my Wizard School.


If you don’t have enough time to learn the chant in the lesson, you may ask Pp to learn it at home and sing it as a warm up in the next lesson.

Exercises 2a,b, c can be also done with the help of ICT, see Teacher’s Disk (TD) U2 L3

Equipment: teacher-operated computer, digital projector.

3a Pairs, class. To raise Pp’s awareness of the structure of wh-questions in the present

simple tense.

  1. Ask Pp to read the questions and make sure that they understand them. Introduce for recognition have in common if necessary. Set a couple of minutes for Pp to discuss the questions. Allow Pp to use their mother tongue, if necessary.

  2. Elicit the answers. Give the answers in the mother tongue if necessary.

Answer key:

  1. The second and third questions give specific information, while the first one gives a no-answer.

  2. The second and third question ask for specific information. They have special question words (what time, what) in them that show what exactly we want to know. The first question can get only a yes/no answer because there are no special question words in it.

  3. All the questions have the word do which comes immediately before you / they.

3b Individual, class, pairs. To practise asking wh-questions about routine activities.

Tell Pp to fill in the gaps in the questions then check as a whole class.

Allow about five minutes for Pp to interview each other in pairs using these questions.

Ask two or three Pp to sum up what they have learned from their partners.

4 Homework. To practise creative writing.

Ask Pp to look through the exercise and make sure that Pp understand the task. Alternatively you might want Pp to learn the chant by heart.



Тема: Чем ты занимаешься?



- научиться высказываться о деятельности людей и животных;

- продолжить изучать время Present Simple;

- развивать память, мышление, смысловую догадку, навыки диалогической речи;

- воспитывать уважительное отношение к стране и культуре изучаемого языка.


V(es), don't / doesn't' V

Ход урока:

Warm up

Encourage Pp to sing the chants they made up at home.

1a, 1b, 1c Individual / pairs, class. To raise Pp’s awareness of the grammatical

meaning of –s and doesn’t.

  1. Ask Pp to look at the picture and predict what the text is about (what the dog and the girl do every day). Tell Pp that while reading they are to fill in the table below.

  2. Allow a couple of minutes for Pp to copy the table in their exercise books. Set a time limit of about seven minutes for completing the task. Tell Pp that they can work in pairs.

  3. When the time is up elicit what Pp have got in different columns and ask them to do Ex. 1b. Lead Pp to the conclusion that we add –s to the verb when we talk about someone or something in the singular, i.e. when we can say he / she / it about the doer of the action. Discuss the rule in Russian if necessary.

Exercises 1a,b, c can be also done with the help of ICT, see Teacher’s Disk (TD) U2 L 4

Equipment: teacher-operated computer, digital projector.

Answer key:






get up at 7 o’clock

don’t take her for a walk in the morning

come home

hug and stroke her

have lunch

take her for a longer walk

helps me

cooks special food for her

takes us to the park

throws the ball

gets up at 9

meets me the door and gives me a paw

sits and looks at me

eats special food

sits on the sofa and watches TV

needs a lot of exercise

brings the ball back

  1. Tell Pp to read the instruction for Ex. 1c and do the task in pairs first. Allow Pp to use Russian. Set a minute for the task and elicit the answers.

  2. Ask a stronger Pp to sum everything up. Refer Pp to the Grammar support section (p. XXX) and explain how to use it.

2 Class. To practise saying the verbs in the 3rd person singular present simple.

  1. Ask Pp to look at the table and explain that we write –s /-es but say [транскрипция] / [транскрипция] / [транскрипция].

  2. Say clearly the examples and ask Pp to deduce the rule. Give a few more examples if Pp have difficulty in deducing the rule at once.

  3. Tell Pp to look through the words in the box and practise saying them first as a whole class than in pairs. Walk around and correct as necessary.

3 Individual / pairs, class. To practise using the new structures.

  1. Ask Pp to complete the poem. They can do it either individually or in pairs.

  2. Ask a Pp to read out their version. Focus on the pronunciation of –s.

4a Individual, class. To provide a model for speaking.

  1. Ask Pp to read the text and say what is Max’s pet. (A parrot).

4b Pairs / Small groups. To practise talking about other people’s / pets’ activities under

less controlled conditions.

  1. Write several pets, e.g. cat, white mouse, fish on the blackboard and elicit what these pets normally do and what they don’t do. Encourage Pp to use the text in the speech bubble as an example.

  2. Ask every P to write the name of a person or a pet in their exercise books.

  3. Put Pp in pairs or small groups and let them describe what that person / pet usually does / doesn’t do. For a sample refer Pp to Ex. 4a.

  4. The group / partner are to say who it is (a dog, a cat, a brother, a sister, etc).

5 Homework. To consolidate the language of the lesson.

Ask Pp to look at the picture and say what the speech bubbles mean. Elicit what else they can write about the pet.


You may ask Pp to write about their own / their friends’ pets.



Тема: LESSON 5 ALWAYS, SOMETIMES OR NEVER? «Всегда, иногда или никогда?»


- научиться высказываться о деятельности других людей;

- повторение и закрепление времени Present Simple;

- изучение лексики по теме, закрепление в упражнениях;

- воспитывать уважительное отношение к мнению собеседника.


always - всегда

never - никогда

sometimes – иногда


Does he / she V? – Yes, he / she does. / No, he doesn’t.

How often do you / does he V?

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент.

2. Основная часть.

1a Class. To revise active structures from the previous lesson.

  1. Ask Pp if they can explain the difference between weekdays and weekend. (Weekdays are … Weekend is… We work and go to school on weekdays. We have a rest at the weekend, etc)

  2. Tell Pp to look at the photo and set the scene, Alina is very busy. Look how many different things she does. Alina writes what and when she does things on stickers and sticks them on the door of her room. Look and say what Alina does on weekdays and at the weekend.

Background information for the teacher:

In English they say on a weekday / on weekdays, but at the weekend / at weekends.

  1. Elicit the answers and go on to Ex. 1b.

1b Class. To introduce new vocabulary.

  1. Read the sentences aloud, ask Pp to guess the meaning of the words in bold (bald). Help Pp if necessary. Say, Alina always goes to (the) chess club in the afternoon, on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, always. Elicit the meaning. Use the same procedure for the other words.

  2. Practise saying the words.

  3. Draw Pp’s attention to the place of these words in the sentence before the verb.


Ask Pp what they always do in the morning (in the evening, on Sundays, etc), what they do sometimes, etc.

2 Class. To practise new vocabulary.

  1. Tell Pp to look at the questions and elicit where the words always, sometimes, never stand (after What do you). Elicit a few possible endings for each of the unfinished questions.

  2. Elicit how these questions can be answered using the suggestions given in the exercise.

  3. Distribute slips of paper among Pp (three to five for each Pp) and ask them to write an activity that they do during the week on each of them (e.g. go to bed).

  4. You can play this game as a whole class, or in pairs or in small groups. All the slips of the players are mixed up in one pile. P1 asks a question following the example in Ex. 2, P2 takes a slip from the pile and gives the answer using the suggestion. Etc.

3a Class, pairs. To practise reading for specific information.

  1. Ask Pp to read the instruction and pre-teach the passive vocabulary: neat, well organized, hard-working.

  2. Set a time limit of about two minutes.

  3. Elicit the answer when the time is up.

Answer key:

Playing chess.

3b Individual / Pairs, class. To practise reading for detail.

  1. Set a time limit of about four minutes and ask Pp to read the text again and answer the questions.

  2. Check the answers as a whole class.

Answer key:

  1. Yes, she does. 2 Yes, she does. 3 Yes, she does. 4 No, she doesn’t.

    1. Yes, it does. 6 Three times a week. 7 Every day.

4b Individual / Pairs, class. To practise wh-questions in the present simple, 3rd person singular.

  1. Let Pp do the task and elicit the answers.

  2. If you have spare time, ask Pp to learn the conversation by heart and act it out.

Answer key:

(1) does (2) watch (3) does (4) does (5) do

6 Homework. To consolidate the material of the lesson.

  1. Tell Pp to read the instruction and the example.

  2. Ask Pp to do the task orally as a whole class or individually

  3. Explain to Pp that at home they are to do the task in writing.




Тема: LETS WORK TOGETHER «Давай сделаем вместе.»


- повторение и закрепление времени Present Simple Tense в упражнениях;

- познакомить учащихся с выполнением проекта британскими школьниками;

- развивать память, внимание, мышление, воображение, смысловую догадку;

- воспитывать уважительное отношение к стране и культуре изучаемого языка.


designer – конструктор, дизайнер

editor - редактор

illustrator - иллюстратор

photographer - фотограф

writer - писатель


New: Who Vs?

Revision: be good at; do sth well

Ход урока:

1a Class. To introduce new vocabulary.

  1. Ask Pp to look at the picture. Explain that the children in the picture are making a newspaper and often their newspapers are the best. They usually work together, but their duties are different. There is an illustrator, a designer, an editor, a writer, and a photographer in their group.

  2. Ask, Who is the illustrator? Elicit the answer Ira is. Continue, Who is the photographer?(Artyom is). Etc.

  3. Practise saying the words.

Answer key:

Katya – editor Ira – illustrator Artyom – photographer Vika – writer

Pasha – designer

1b Individual, pairs. To practise new vocabulary.

  1. Give Pp a minute to match the jobs and what people do in these jobs.

  2. Check the answers by asking different Pp What does a designer / editor / etc do?

  3. For more practice ask, Would you like to be a designer? Are you good at drawing? What would you like to do for your newspaper? Etc.

Answer key: 1a 2b 3e 4c 5d

2a Individual / pairs. To activate Pp’s previous knowledge of grammar.

  1. Ask Pp if they remember what Katya does for the newspaper. (She is the editor.)

  2. Tell Pp to read the instruction and make sure that they understand what to do. Set a time limit for writing the questions. Pp can write them in pairs or individually.

  3. Play the tape and let Pp check their questions.



Congratulations! Your newspaper won the first prize. Your newspapers are always interesting. do / how / them / make /you?


We work in a group. Artyom takes pictures, he’s our photographer.


Really? The photos are really nice. him / who / helps?


His dad.


and / draws / who / cartoons / for / pictures?


Ira does. She’s very good at drawing.


What about the articles? who / articles / writes / the newspaper / for?


Vicka. She interviews people, writes articles and funny stories.


The pages look nice. newspapers / do / where / you / print / your ?


In our computer lab. First Pasha makes a page. He’s very good at computer. He knows how to use the scanner, cut, paste and other things. I read it and sometimes correct the mistakes. Then our ICT teacher helps us to print it out.

  1. Encourage Pp to talk about the result of their listening. Ask, Did you write your questions correctly? Did you make any mistakes? Can you correct your questions after listening?

  2. Check the accuracy of the questions as a whole class.

Answer key:

    1. How do you make them?

    2. Who helps him?

    3. Who draws pictures for cartoons?

    4. Who writes articles for the newspaper?

    5. Where do you print your newspaper?


In a stronger class you might want to ask Pp to dramatise the interview. One P takes his her exercise book with the questions and reads them out. The other plays the role of Katya. She answers the questions without looking at the textbook.

2c Individual / Pairs, class. To raise Pp’s awareness of the new structure (Who Vs?).

  1. Tell Pp to read the instruction and make sure that they understand the task. Set a time limit and get Pp to work in pairs or individually.

  2. Check the answers. Make sure that Pp notice that the question with when has the same structure as any other wh-question while questions with who don’t have do and the verb has –s. In a weaker group you may want to discuss these questions in Russian.

Answer key:

  1. When in the first question and who in the second.

  2. After when there is do you and the verb has no –s. It is the same as in other wh-questions. After who comes the verb with –s. There is no do. It is completely different from any other type of question.

3a Groups. To practice giving reasons for distributing roles in a poject in a certain way.

  1. Tell Pp to look through the project page. Explain that they are going to make a poster about their school. Say, You are going to work in groups but your duties are going to be different.

  2. Divide Pp in groups of four or five and ask them to do Ex. 3a. Set a time limit of about two minutes and get them to talk. Walk around and help as necessary.

3b Groups / pairs. To practise asking and answering questions about distribution of

roles while doing a project.

  1. Give the groups another minute to make a final decision about who does what and write down the duties.

  2. Encourage groups to ask and answer about their duties in the project group (Ex. 3b).


Form new groups so that there is one P from each project group in it and encourage them to do Ex. 3b

4 Homework. To prepare Pp for project work.

Explain to Pp that they will have little time to make a good poster in the lesson. That is why they need to prepare for it at home.

Let them look through Ex. 4 and make sure that they understand what they are expected to do, i.e.

  • take / find / draw some pictures of their school

  • write about their timetable and favourite subjects

  • write about things they usually do after school (sports, clubs, pets, etc)

  • (if necessary) bring crayons, scissors, glue and paper to make their posters




Тема: PROGRESS PAGE «Тест по разделу».


-повторение и закрепление изученного грамматического и лексического материала по разделу;

- развивать память, внимание, мышление, навыки монологической речи;

- воспитывать уважительное отношение к стране и культуре изучаемого языка.

Ход урока:


  1. Explain to Pp the objective of the lesson: to see for themselves what and how well they have learned in the unit and to find out the areas that need more work.

  2. Explain to Pp the meaning of the evaluation scale (see TB Introduction) and ask them to predict their mark.

  3. Ask Pp to do the tasks individually. Encourage them to use the SB, WB and the notes in their exercise books.

  4. Set a time limit of 30 minutes and 10 minutes for checking the answers.

1  Listening for detail

Ask Pp to look through the three lists they have on the page and play the tape twice.



I always have a lot to do after school. When I come home, I take Jerry for a walk. Jerry’s my dog. He’s very funny. Then I have lunch with my mum and help her in the kitchen. At 5 o’clock I go to my room and do my homework. On Wednesdays and Thursdays I go to English club. It’s Friday today. On Fridays I always go to my grandmother. We talk and watch TV.

Answer key: B

Scoring: Give 15 points for the correct answer.

2  Reading for specific information

  1. Ask Pp to write letters a through e in their exercise books.

  2. Pp read the text and write the names of the missing subjects in their exercise books.

Answer key

a) History b) English c) Maths d) Biology e) IT

Scoring: Give four points for each correct answer.

3  Structure: present simple and adverbials of time, frequency

Pp make five sentences using the marked squares in the table.

Answer key:

  1. Jane and her brother go for a walk after school.

  2. Jane and her brother do homework at 5 o’clock.

  3. Max watches TV in the evening.

  4. We sometimes play computer games.

  5. Dima often helps his mum.

Scoring: Give two points for the correct verb form, one point for the correct use of the adverbial.

Follow up

  1. Tell Pp to put away their exercise books and use their SB only now.

  2. Go through the test with the whole class. Ask Pp to give their answers, correct and explain the mistakes.

  3. Tell Pp to open their exercise books and correct their own or their partner’s work.

  4. Allow a couple of minutes to count the score.

  5. Ask Pp to compare it with the mark they expected to get at the beginning of the lesson.

  6. Make sure Pp have checked their work correctly. To do that you might want to collect the exercise books but remember that YOU DO NOT ASSESS this work.

  • Progress check can be done with the help of ICT, se TD Unit 2 Lesson7.

Equipment: computer workplace for each pupil.



Lesson objectives
  • to consolidate what they have learned in the unit

  • to practise working cooperatively and more


  • to use the language learned in the unit in a more creative way

    • to practise intergrated skills


To save time in the lesson, start working on the project at the end of Lesson 6 (see Ex. 4). Encourage Pp to read the letters and prepare the materials (photos, pictures, texts, etc) at home.

1 Preparation

  1. Put Pp in groups of four or five. They may be the same groups as in Lesson 6.

  2. Tell Pp to read the letters and choose one to answer. Remind Pp that they are to explain their choice.


If you feel it necessary, ask questions on the content of the letters to check understanding. Remember to keep this stage short.

  1. Set a time limit of about three minutes and let Pp discuss the options. Remind them that the more they speak English, the better. Walk around and help with the language if necessary.

  2. Invite groups to announce their choice and give reasons.

2 Activity

  1. Arrange Pp to sit in project groups, provide each group with an A1 sheet of paper, glue, markers, scissors, etc as necessary.

  2. Ask Pp to do steps 1 and 2 (Ex.2). Set a time limit of about seven minutes. Encourage Pp to speak English while discussing things. You might also want to take notes while observing Pp’s work so that you can make comments in the follow-up. As Pp tend to forget about the time, you must keep a check on it. When the time is up, elicit what topics and what material each group has decided on.

  3. Set another two or three minutes for the groups to decide who does what. When the time is up, ask each group to report the distribution of duties to the class.

  4. Set 10 to 15 minutes for finalising the letter together. It is important that Pp feel a little pressed for time. This helps to make it exciting and create a feeling of achievement, when they manage to finish on time.

3 Presentation

  1. Put the “letters” on the walls of the classroom and arrange the groups moving so that they can see other groups’ “letters. Allocate about five minutes for that.

  2. Tell each group to discuss what they have seen and prepare to say what they liked most of all in the “letters” written by other Pp.

  3. Encourage the groups to give this positive feedback to each other.


If the equipment is available, you might want to produce an electronic version of the letter, scan the materials, make a page and print out a copy for each P.


  1. As a follow-up talk to Pp in English or mother tongue about the activity. Ask,

  • if they liked the activity or not

  • what was easy / difficult

  • what they would rather avoid next time

  • if they are satisfied with their performance

  1. Give your feedback, i.e. praise those Pp who made a definite effort to talk in English as well as those who had prepared well and contributed a lot to the joint work.

  2. If you feel it necessary to comment on the language mistakes, choose only common ones and speak in general, avoiding reference to particular Pp. However, work on mistakes is more effective when you plan it for the following lessons in the form of specially organized activities.

  • This project can be also prepared and presented with the help of ICT, see TD Unit 2 Lesson 8.

Equipment: A workplace for each group of Pp, digital projector.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Конспекты уроков 5 класс II Unit

Автор: Слепухина Евгения Александровна

Дата: 15.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 186681

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